I'm currently implementing an Oil Pump block. It's bigger than a regular block and is loaded with the wavefront (.obj) loader provied by Forge.
I'm trying to add collision boxes to my block but some of my collision boxes are bigger than 16x16x16, and i can walk through them...
Here's what I override to create my bounding boxes :
public VoxelShape getShape(BlockState state, BlockGetter world, BlockPos pos, CollisionContext context) {
return switch (state.getValue(FACING)) {
default -> Shapes.or(box(-5, 2, 17, 37, 53, 32), box(-5, 2, -13, 37, 53, 2), box(-12, 0, -20, 44, 4, 53), box(6, 1, 43, 26, 26, 62), box(9, 49, 2, 23, 53, 17));
case NORTH -> Shapes.or(box(-21, 2, -16, 21, 53, -1), box(-21, 2, 14, 21, 53, 29), box(-28, 0, -37, 28, 4, 36), box(-10, 1, -46, 10, 26, -27), box(-7, 49, -1, 7, 53, 14));
case EAST -> Shapes.or(box(17, 2, -21, 32, 53, 21), box(-13, 2, -21, 2, 53, 21), box(-20, 0, -28, 53, 4, 28), box(43, 1, -10, 62, 26, 10), box(2, 49, -7, 17, 53, 7));
case WEST -> Shapes.or(box(-16, 2, -5, -1, 53, 37), box(14, 2, -5, 29, 53, 37), box(-37, 0, -12, 36, 4, 44), box(-46, 1, 6, -27, 26, 26), box(-1, 49, 9, 14, 53, 23));
My question is : Is there a way to bypass the collision box size limit on blocks ?