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Brooke W

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Everything posted by Brooke W

  1. I have just finished successfully loading a custom block into my world after many attempts (particularly with the textures). While naming the .JSON and .PNG files, I tried to give each a unique name, but this didn't always work. The name of my mod was "examplemod", and my block instance was named "firstblock". I assume that the blockstate information for "firstblock" must be named "firstblock.json"- but what about the loot table, crafting, and texture files? Does minecraft look for files with a name matching the registry name of my block instance? Also: For the block's item model, I referenced the block model using: "parent": "examplemod:block/firstblock" But, how does minecraft know what specific folder "block/firstblock" is under? Why didn't I have to supply a full path? Is it because they are both under the "textures" folder? Sorry for the unedited text, not sure how to write text as code.
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