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Everything posted by BBoi69

  1. yeah but the game is clearly malfunctioning... is there really no way to fix it?
  2. bro like- are you gonna help me or what
  3. alright- what do i do then-
  4. for a few hours... it made no progress tho... the number that usually jumps from 3000 to 1000 and back is going at 1 per few seconds and the white bar isnt moving
  5. but thats the problem- it doesnt start up. it takes for ever to start up thats the sole reason of why im here.
  6. well- i closed it with the task manager and gave you the log... what should i do now?
  7. this? latest.log
  8. right- and how do i do that- sorry for my ape brain
  9. So i wanted to play ATM6, but cuz my laptop cant handle all that, i made my Lite version with like half the mods. it ran a couple times already but then i decided to add just one more mod and now, it takes 7 years to load up. The nether background and MOJANG STUDIOS text is there and the white bar is about 8/10 full and it goes fast until that. the numbers in the left corner are moving digit by digit and it has been like this for the last hour. yes i restarted it already.
  10. i in fact use the comodo yes- i tried disabling it and it works! thank you!
  11. here. this is a screenshot of the forge extraction selector and the desktop folder in the back. there is a folder missing on the desktop (forge 16.3). Forge thinks he extracted the files there, yet desktop doesnt recognize them/show them.
  12. like it makes no files on my desktop. if i make a new folder and tell forge to make server files in there, there are no files there, but if i run it again, he says there are already files in the target folder. with maps i mean folders- excuse my english-
  13. so i recently downloaded 1.16.3 - 34.1.42 forge right- and when i did make server files option, it just doesnt make the files. if i open it again and go to the same folder in the forge.jar it shows the library map in so he thinks he did it but if i open the map normally, its empty- like idk why and ive tried a diff pc and it still didnt work and i tried reinstalling and it still didnt work- please help i want to make the server and im paying for it so time is moneyy pls helppppp fastttt.
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