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Posts posted by 2jake

  1. Staff Owner(Managers)
    Ingame name: 2jake and Pimizi
    Server: HF1V.serv.nu


    1) Player Information

    a) Discord:
    b) Username:
    c) Timezone:
    d) Do you have a working microphone:
    e) Do you have the ability to record:
    f) How much time can you contribute to the role?
    2) Why are you interested in becoming a staff member?

    3) What do you believe you can contribute to the team?

    4) Have you had any previous moderation or leadership experience?

    5) (Staff Dosen't need to awnser this) If you want to be a builder on our server, would you be able to build in the CyberPunk/futuristik style?

    6) Scenario Questions:

    a) Suppose a player calls you a terrible staff member. How would you respond to this?

    b) You believe your friend may be cheating, what would you do?

    7) Is there any additional information you'd like to share?

    We will contact you on discord if you application got approved!

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