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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. У меня из за слабого пк еще идет загрузка. Уже 30 минут.
  2. И что теперь? Может я обновился? Я не понимаю, вам больше всех надо?
  3. Stupidly reinstall minecraft
  4. Optifine flashed in the log, try to delete it.
  5. Are there Russians here?
  6. УДАЛИТЬ -> Google translate
  7. Убери оптифайн.
  8. Манкрафт 1.16 Кароче при применении к itemstack Nbttagcompound, то предмет не применяется, а если зайти в инвентарь, то он как бы вниз сдвинется а потом вверх, очень похоже на то как игрок ест. Есть ли метод, который это может сделать без открытия инвентаря? Русские помогите!
  9. I work at 1.12 with interference. But 1.16, I can't even start minecraft ... Where then?
  10. I have 2 GB of RAM (((Is it advisable to put 1.16? I heard that the latest versions are not stable. On 1.12.2 YOU REFUSE. I live in Russia and it is difficult to upgrade my PC due to lack of money. How do I get support for 1.12? АА блять харе посылать
  11. The main thing is the new version is released, but the optimization is forgotten. People say that even on normal computers it freezes, what should I do with 2 gigabytes of RAM ((((
  12. Well, buy a normal computer, then I'll upgrade. Of course it's easy to say, they themselves would have been in my shoes.
  13. I tried to transfer from the same slot to this one, but it did not work. Tried doing Right click
  14. If I write 1.12, then you will close the question, and if 1.16 then it may not match. How to be?
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