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Everything posted by shizumiaoki

  1. Hello, I've been having a issue installing Forge for sever use. (I was able to install it client side without any issues.) When I try to download the sever version I keep getting the following error messages. I've tried re-starting, reinstalling both Java + Forge I've download the .jar version from the http://files.minecraftforge.net website I've tried "Open command window here" within the window to run the command "java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar forge-1.16.5-36.0.12-installer.jar" I've tried both .12 and .13 versions I've also tried installing on macOS with the same error message (just requesting different libraries) Also here is the logfile for the installer if it helps: installer.log Dose anyone know how to fix the issue? Thank you for your time, Shizumi.
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