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Everything posted by Mordox

  1. Like 4 months ago I was not able to downlowad Forge on my m1 chip mac book because of a lwjgl issue, does anybody know if it works now?
  2. Mmmm I see, thanks bro
  3. A couple of weeks ago someone told me that forge still doesnt supporrt macs with an m1 chip, so I was trynna know if someone knows something about when is forge going to support it.
  4. My games keeps crashing on my mac after I try to open the 1.16.1 Forge version. It first shows me a red screen with a bunch of numbers and then it takes me out of the red screen and takes me back to the launcher with this message The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: GLFW error before init: [0x10008]Cocoa: Failed to find service port for display Exit Code: 255
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