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Everything posted by Karanlatte

  1. I do not, only the windows defender, i'm one by one trying to uninstall other applications such as skype, microsoft teams etc.
  2. Sorry for the late response. No there is no such file.
  3. Windows Defender.
  4. I do not, I only have Java 8 installed.
  5. I used the Java uninstaller to uninstall and reinstalled Java 8 SE, still no luck.
  6. Hi, I tried that no luck :(.
  7. It's an Internal HDD NTFS. I've also tried when having the forge file in my C Drive Downloads folder and Desktop.
  8. I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post the redirect URL but this is the page it takes me to when I got to http://files.minecraftforge.net/ and click the Installer Icon for 1.16.5: http://adfoc.us/serve/?id=27122877255800
  9. Hello, I'm having trouble getting the forge installer to open. I've tried moving the installer file around to a different drive but no luck. I've tried double clicking and running it from CMD but no luck their either. I've tried reinstalling Java and doing a computer restart. The only thing that happens when I open the file is it creates a log file with the following: JVM info: Oracle Corporation - 1.8.0_281 - 25.281-b09 java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true Found java version 1.8.0_281
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