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MrNoobzzz's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I have a world that i played quite a bit on with all of these mods: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KGD7yV16ocNocRVjNuAYeYYFZ4bLGb6w?usp=sharing] And all of a sudden I got an error "Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented world from loading. You can either try to load only with vanilla datapack ("safe mode") or go back to title screen and fix it manually" Here is the debug.log https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mrnoonz/7e26ea60b1d4c4791c7e180d857067e5/raw/c858b940285fa070151abbc8e4db81a52416aba1/debug I don`t know what the problem could be. Any ideas?
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