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Everything posted by Athalos

  1. I'm worried that a fix for this would require core modding.
  2. I am trying to make an entity that can phase through dirt (and grass). I want the entity to be able to walk from one side of a dirt wall to the other side of it and keep the dirt wall intact. I know you can set the entity to have noclip=true, but that would be for every block. Does anyone know how to limit noclip to only be for certain blocks?
  3. I am trying to make a rideable entity which, for all intents and purposes, is a ghost horse. This "horse" can phase through blocks, like the Vex or Ender Dragon, and I would like to make the player able to ride the horse and become intangible as well (so the player, when riding, can float through blocks). I can make the horse noclip on it's own. I can also make the player noclip when riding the horse. However, when the player is riding the horse, the horse loses it's noclip. The function processVehicleMove in ServerPlayNetHandler is manually checking the horse's collision and applying the collision, even though the entity's noclip is set to true. Does anyone know a way around this issue?
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