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Everything posted by KaydemonLP

  1. I'm trying to modify a mod that uses a config file, however it doesn't have a proper config gui in the Mod tab I tried looking up tutorials, however to no avail I did however find a few 1.16.5 mods which are open source and do have a tab like that, the problem here is that from what I can tell, they all use "net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen" and "net.minecraftforge.fml.client.IModGuiFactory", which aren't present in the Mod's project I thought maybe its just this specific mod that doesn't have it, but after installing the base Forge project, it doesn't appear to have it either. Not sure if I just didn't download something properly or if something changed between 1.16.2 to 1.16.5 in the way config files are created. Any help would be appreciated.
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