I'm trying to join this server, and the server requires one mod called "Cubic Chunks". And it said I needed the version 1.12.2. - 0.0.1184.0-SNAPSHOT, so I downloaded that exact one, but it's still not letting me into the server. It just says "Server Mod rejections: CubicChunks: Failed mod's custom NetworkCheckHandler FMLMod:cubicchunks{1.12.2.-0.0.1184.0-SNAPSHOT}". Is there anyway to fix this problem?
@Luis_ST It doesn't show anything about log when I crash on the launcher, but I am using the latest of forge could that be it? (There's a new latest forge, I didn't download that one, I downloaded the latest from 2 days ago, 37.0.60)
Never mind I downloaded the latest forge and it still didn't change a thing, It still crashes.
I'm trying to open my game with Optifine, and it always takes me back to the launcher saying "An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Exit Code: 0"
Is Optifine not available for Forge Right Now, or do I have to fix something?
I tried to launch Minecraft 1.16.5-forge-36.1.0 and while the game was loading it all of a sudden closed, and it took me back to the launcher and it said
"The game crashed whilst rendering overlay Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler$ConfigLoadingException: Failed loading config file forge-common.toml of type COMMON for modid forge Exit Code: -1".
The only mod I had was the Terra World Generator Mod, is there any way I can fix this?