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  1. Oh and I should probably add for future generations that this did have a happy ending. I fixed my problem. I'm running on a Mac and when I try to compress a folder it adds all sorts of invisible files and metadata. However when I select all the files and compress them instead of the folder it bypasses the metadata. Look foward to seeing my mod released soon!
  2. So is coding =D And sorry for calling you an idiot that was a little out of hand. Sometimes I just go into attack mode and aim to kill, so I do apologize for that. No hard feelings? Death to stereotypes! Shoot for the stars!
  3. What is Platecraft.proxy.TEXTURE_PATH?
  4. IChun has a great tutorial on in inventory 3d renders .
  5. Do you have a direct link to the texture? e.g. /mods/modName/textures/etc. Because that can change when you move from eclipse to the actual mine craft running environment. My advice is to put this... new File("GoofyGoober").mkdir(); Somewhere in your render code. When minecraft runs it will make the folder "GoofyGoober", compare that folder location to when you run it in eclipse and when you run it in the tekkit-lite instance. If they are in different locations you need to change the file path. Also just check that the texture is in the right folder. Sometimes it could just be as derpy as that.
  6. I use @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2) { return colorA; } Where colorA is the same color as html except with a 0x in front of it. e.g. go here and pick a color. Copy the selected color box (#CCCCFF) take out the hashtag and add in a 0x (0xCCCCFF). Then just make it random. If you want to do multiple colors you'll have to make multiple renders and then check which render it is in the getColor method.
  7. After the release I'm perfectly fine with you looking at the jar, it's just pre-release when it's vulnerable. I don't have any copyrights or any lawyers so if you just took it pre-release no one would know or be able to fight it. Post-release yes there will be people who try to take it and redistribute it but at least then I'll have a page to prove that I am the original author. Also with numerous references to my name in the code it won't be hard to prove that I am the owner of the mod, and I will be able to take legal action against all who try and rip me off. Look, I trust people on the internet to an extent. You made an analogy to a circuit board, that does not apply even remotely to this situation. First off if you were having troubles and you went onto the internet to see if you could get your problem solved it would much harder to give your questioner your circuit board. If you had a problem with a circuit board you would take it to someone who was knowledgeable about this kind of thing in your area, and if your smart you'll watch him as he fixes your problem to A find out what's wrong and how to fix it, and B make sure he doesn't steal it. After I send you or anyone my jar I have no way to know what you are doing with it, and that scares me. Sure I could go by word of mouth, but that simply isn't enough for me. And by the way ObsequiousNewt, don't fool yourself, you were the one who started this argument. You were the one who felt it was so important to uphold your "honor" after I politely declined to give you my mod. Read back, open your eyes, while I simply wanted to protect what was mine you wanted to turn this into a flame war. YOU started this, never forget. You are the CEO of Pentachoron Labs, it says so in your description. If you are planning to make any money I advise you strongly to not post all of your work on github before release. You're a complete idiot for posting all your code on github pre-release. It's not like it's hard to find either! I searched Pentachoron Labs on google and that link was the first that showed up. Not only that but you have the name in your signature. What if some scumbag who has been browsing the forums sees you and does a little research on your little Pentachoron Labs and steals all your source. I'm assuming if you're a CEO you're company plans to make money, I'm telling you right now that is the WORST business plan I have ever heard. Justify your actions, I dare you. Justify going after a small developer who doesn't want to be a victim of internet theft, I challenge you. Justify what moral cause you think you have in pursuing this argument. You talk about honor, what you have is not honor, it is pride. Btw, I like the like the laws of flame.
  8. Okay, what's the big deal? I try to protect my code from potential scumbags and you blow up in my face? What's wrong with wanting to keep your hard work safe? By the way you're responding you are truly leading me to believe you want my code for the wrong reasons, why else would you fight a budding young developer for what he believes is right? If you were in my situation would you trust some random guy on the internet, which by the way is the best place in the world to lie and get away with it, with your months of hard work? Now, you can make the argument that your code would be superior to mine because you have had more modding experience then I. Well I strongly disagree with that, just because the code might be better doesn't mean the content is, it doesn't mean the textures are worse, it doesn't mean the models are worse, my mod is a lot more than a simple spear. You have made the argument that you couldn't do anything without the source, I'm sorry to tell you but java decompilers do exist, do a quick search on google and you'll find them. If the computer can decompile, a program can too, the logic is that simple. For anything one piece of software can do, another can undo, that is one of the beauties, and dangers of computers. This isn't about, "It would take more work to incorporate your mod into mine" that is completely dependent on the situation and as I said before you are a complete stranger to me, I don't know you, I don't know your situation you could be anyone doing anything. You said you can solve my problem with screenshots? Ask for them, do not ask for months of hard work that is vulnerable because it has not yet been released. Every part of that jar is an asset and some you wouldn't even need a decompiler to take and exploit. I never attacked you or your open-source coder law so why are you defending yourself? You are taking this way to personally. I respect you and everyone who answers questions here on the forums even if they openly disagree with a mod and that won't change, you put up with a lot of noobs here and don't get thanked enough for what you do, but even so there are some things I will not give you when you try to help me. Because there are bad people out there and I don't want to run the risk of being a victim of any of there shenanigans. I will give you a few pieces and parts that I feel are causing me trouble, but I will not give you everything. I have given you my screenshots in a previous post if you'd still like to answer my question.
  9. This is how it is the minecraft mods folder. And here's the mcp folder screenshot, just in case you need that too.
  10. I don't believe your a bad person I just simply don't know you so call me paranoid if you'd like, I just don't want to run the risk of putting my trust in the wrong person. If you know what's wrong or what might be wrong please answer, if not, or if you don't feel like helping serious developers move on. Also a little more insight on my problem. When I run reobfuscate.sh instead of reobfuscate_srg.sh it still works in the normal folder format but when I zip it or jar it it crashes with some class not found error, however all the classes are there I double checked and triple checked. I'm on a mac, may that be my problem? Btw I have no base edits so that's why I used the _srg instead of the normal one.
  11. Nothing personal but I've worked long and hard on my mod and I'm not sure I'm ready to just give it away to a total stranger on the internet. I will however tell you anything you'd like to know about the structure and files. Also I know why the mcmod.info file didn't work, there was an error in the syntax.
  12. I recompiled and reobfuscated my mod and put it in the minecraft mod folder with forge installed and it works fine. But when I try and put it in the .zip format or .jar format it doesn't load in forge, it doesn't crash it just simply doesn't show up. Also when I put an mcmod.info file in the non zipped version that works it says I still don't have a mcmod.info file, help!
  13. That doesn't work if I'm just trying to get the item not itemstack. I tried new ItemStack(Item.itemList[theID]).getItem() and Item.itemList[theID], but neither worked. Also its "itemsList" not itemList.
  14. What would be a good way to get an item for a crafting recipe by its ID? I'm making a mod with lots of mod support and was wondering if I could do that so there won't be any errors.
  15. Bump, seriously does no one know how to use packets? If not could someone point me to an open source mod that has a good, practical example?
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