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  1. Oh thanks. Thanks for the help, very appreciated.
  2. That what i have there isn't offical but that is the modpack i want to download i have it from a 100 days video from senpirates. Here the video's link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k41gfCrYGIM&t=69s
  3. https://www.mediafire.com/file/qlhwjpwnddh6cnw/Senpirates_DemonSlayer_100Days_Modpack_v1.rar/file there you go and thanks for the help last time
  4. A minecraft modpack, i wanted to download doesn't work. When i open up the file, it just said "Where do you want to open the file?" and i linked it with Java and that was a mistake, because not it doesn't open up at all. What can i do?
  5. thanks sir very appreciated
  6. I will just screenshot the lower half because the upper half is from a year ago.
  7. I can't find the file that is just called "debug.log" i only find debug-1.log, debug-2.log, debug-3.log, debug-4.log and debug-5.log
  8. Here u have it i think... debug-5.log
  9. Are you talking about "Reveal hidden Contents" ?
  10. ok and how do i find the debug.log? cuz u didnt explain that in ur signiture below and when i go on the browser extension thingy it says "This page couldn't be found. Sorry! The page you requested isn't available. Please try again later or contact us if you think something should be here. (ERROR 404)"
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