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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. im stupid thanks so much i was launching the wrong jar lmao. thanks for ur help
  2. The name of the jar is minecraft_server.1.16.5.jar . I double click it and the server gui opens and the server launches without a problem. Ive checked the logs and no problem there.
  3. from the server jar
  4. Hi so I started a forge server for 1.16.5 and set everything up the right way. I added mods to the mods folder on the server folder and started up the server and everything went fine. I have the mods in my normal .minecraft mods folder was well but everytime i joined the server i would get an error saying "incomplete set of tags received from server minecraft" and I would get disconnected. So then I just loaded a version of forge without any mods installed and I was able to join the server without a problem. But the issue for me is that the server didn't load any of the mods in the mods folder so I don't know what to do. How do i configure the server so that it loads the mods I added? Any suggestions? thanks.
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