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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I've been trying to put together a modpack for a while now that’s supposed to be a 1.16.5 version of RLCraft. So far I’ve fairly strictly stayed with the modlist that this video provides in the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypye_7Tt_cI&t=216s. However, I've run into problems at almost every angle. This is my first time dealing with this many mods so even though I had expected to run into some trouble I was still surprised that it took me almost a week just to get this thing to the title screen. Anyway, the new problem I'm facing is that when I tried to create a world to test out my modpack it gave me this error message: "Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. You can either try to load it with only the vanilla datapack ("safe mode"), or go back to the title screen and fix it manually.” If I try to click the 'safe mode' button nothing happens, and likewise, the game will not even allow me to unload all of the mod datapacks manually as it just tells me "Data pack validation failed!" I did some looking around and it looks like this problem is caused when one or more of the mods has a faulty datapack or something. I had heard that Ice and Fire is a mod that commonly causes this issue so I tried removing it to no avail (all the better though, Ice and Fire is a pretty big part of RLCraft). In any case, I have no idea how to fix this other than going through and adding in each mod individually until I stumble across the culprit. I don’t know much about debug logs either but I heard they could be useful for figuring out issues like this so I attached what I’m pretty sure is the appropriate file. Also here's a list of the mods I'm using in case it helps: TenshiLib Horse Combat Controls Ambient Sounds UnionLib Mouse Tweaks Spheric Biomes O' Plenty Big Brain Shoulder Surfing Weeping Angels CreativeCore Just Enough Items IguanaTweaks Reborn Whisperwoods InsaneLib Create Total Darkness Realistic Sleep TerraForged Falling Leaves Epic Fight Mod Better Weather Citadel Alex's Mobs Better Third Person Survive Champions Dungeon Crawl Bookshelf HerdMentality Realistic Torches Ice and Fire JEI Tweaker Rereskillable Enhanced Celestials CraftTweaker First Aid No Tree Punching Dynamic Trees Dynamic Trees Plus Dynamic Surroundings (Sound Control, Environs, Mob Effects) debug.log
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