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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. If anyone has the same problem in the future. I resolved it by creating a custom goal. Added the custom goal to the mob. In the custom goal -> tick() I used: 1000 is the distance in blocks... I think. PlayerEntity player = world.getNearestPlayer(this.mob,1000); this.mob.canSee(player);
  2. Yea, I tried setting the follow_range. the skeleton just navigates towards the player. I want the skeleton to be able to shoot from further away. I have the shooting long distance figured out. I just want the ability for the skeleton to be able to detect the player. Maybe to rephrase the question, I would like the skeleton to be able to detect the player as target for far away.
  3. I am currently trying to create a mob which is an extension of skeleton. The problem I am running into is that skeletons vision is limited to 15 blocks. I would like to increase that distance to at-least 100 blocks. Before I was using minecraft.getInstance().player.canSee(entity) but this does not work on server side as the server can have multiple players I wanted to implement this on the mob side. There are no instance I have found online that show this type of Behavior in execution. does anyone know what I method I should look into? or Do you know of an example that has this in execution? Thank you for any help
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