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  1. This is one i got online, its from smallants discord after he used it in the video here again, it works completely as intended in single player and it is loaded into the server when i check with the in game forge commands, but it does have any effect and isnt working. I would have assumed it was just not made to work on a server but the video is him on multiplayer with another person so that shouldnt be the case.
  2. I am attempting to get a floor is lava mod working on a server to play with some friends, and I have the mod working fine on single player since its just a single .jar in the mods folder. I installed forge on a 1.16.3 server and it seems to be installed and running fine, however adding the mod to the server it seems to load it but not actually pass any data to my client and the lava effect doesn't occur. here is the Debug log file and then here is the latest log file as well any help would be appreciated!
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