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  1. I'll do some testing with the files then and hopefully get it working, they aren't on often so it might be a little while until I figure if that works or not, but thanks for the suggestions!
  2. Even with the additional mod two of my players seem to be receiving the same error message. The server console says nothing different other than "Timed out" when they leave the game, other than for Player 2 which was able to connect somehow after several tries though was disconnected ~10 minutes later and was unable to reconnect. Logs below: Player 1 Logs Player 2 Logs
  3. Seems to have worked so far with one of my players, will see if it continues to do the job. Thanks for the help!
  4. After the three starting players joined the server we received issues with new people joining, where it disconnects them and says "Internal Exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset". They appear to connect to the server, then move around and try interacting with blocks, items, etc until they are disconnected from the server and receive the aforementioned "Connection Lost" screen. Below I have posted the server log files and two of the external players' log files when they tried joining the server numerous times. Player 1 Logs Player 2 Logs Server Logs I'm not sure why it continues to disconnect them, whether it's a mod confliction, clientside internet issue, or serverside issue overall, but we've attempted troubleshooting to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated
  5. Gosh I feel dumb haha! Thanks for the help and happy holidays
  6. I keep getting this error message when attempting to join my locally hosted modded server as well as when trying to create a local world, can I get some help figuring out why? Version 1.19.2, my logs are attached here: debug log latest log
  7. I've been having this problem for the past few days after trying to create/start up my forge modded servers, but instead I get this message when I try running the bat file
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