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Alien teslla

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. oh , relay ?! OK tanks anyway
  2. i don't actually , i just need to change some of texture in texture mapping "textures": { "1": "rick:blocks/glob", "2": "rick:blocks/texture", "3": "rick:param1/C", "4": "rick:param2/1", "5": "rick:param3/3", "6": "rick:param3/7", "particle": "rick:items/pp" }, for example i want to change "3" & "4" & "5" object contents to show a name on my item something like c137๐Ÿ˜‰ which it be changeable during the game . well i don,t know how to do that in a proper way . i try the addProrpertyOverride method but it cause to those many model!
  3. yeah sorry i,m new here . i use 1.15.2
  4. (sorry for bad English) hi , i want to make a model for my item that its texture contain a word with four character . i try to change the texture with this part of java cod and public static class ItemRanged extends Item { public ItemRanged() { super(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT).maxDamage(1000)); setRegistryName("portalgun"); this.addPropertyOverride(new ResourceLocation("key"), new IItemPropertyGetter(){ ..... json { "parent": "parentlocation", "overrides": [ {"predicate": {"char1": 1 "char2": 1, "char3": 1, "char4": 1 }, "model": "modelLoctaion1" }, {"predicate": {"char1": 2 ... }, "model": "modelLoctaion2" }, {"predicate": {"char1": 3 ... }, "model": "modelLoctaion3" }, {"predicate": {"char1": 4 ...}, "model": "modelLoctaion4" }.... as you know addPropertyOverride method get a key and for that key change the model we see how it work in compos but now if i want to do so , i have to make something around 614000 different model . is there a better way to change the textures location base on a variable in java ?
  5. Thanks a lot , i thought it's writable ๐Ÿ˜… but i learn something now
  6. i want to change the animation of an entity inside the game which animation provides by geckolib !
  7. is there a way to change the content of a json file inside the game resources without Writing again?
  8. yes but i can not find direction properly . it keep saying there is no such file my direction in mod is assests/modid/animations/filej.son and this is my method to set location public ResourceLocation getAnimationFileLocation() { return new ResourceLocation("modid", "animations/file.json"); }
  9. sorry for my bad English , i have a string which i want to write it as json file in my resource folder like this public static void chang(ResourceLocation getAnimationFileLocation, String conetnt) { try { IReloadableResourceManager resourceManager = (IReloadableResourceManager) Minecraft.getInstance().getResourceManager(); SimpleResource resource = (SimpleResource) resourceManager.getResource(getAnimationFileLocation); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(resource.getLocation().toString()); OutputStreamWriter streamwriter = new OutputStreamWriter( outputStream , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ); Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(streamwriter); writer.write(conetnt); writer.flush(); writer.close(); streamwriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } but it says that such file dosen't exist i try this too but same problem public static void chang(ResourceLocation FileLocation, String conetnt) { try { FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(FileLocation.toString()); fileWriter.write(conetnt); fileWriter.flush(); fileWriter.clos(): } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } how can i write the file ?
  10. Hi i want to edit a json file in my resours folder of my mod . But problem is the location , I don't now how to add util.resurcelocation to filewriter . I convert resourcelocation to string but errors say there is no such file . How can i get the direction of assests file in string mod .
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