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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I reinstalled the modpack and now after long waiting I connect to the server but still get in the log that many mods missing.
  2. Every single mod that is in the log file "missing" is in the mc mod folder on the pc
  3. Its because the game crash every time
  4. Hey, I made a Valhelsia 3 1.16 (forge-36.1.32) Server and after I mined a Magmablock in water the server restarted and every time when I try to join the server my game will crash and on the console comes : [03:45:30] [Server thread/INFO] [se.mi.te.da.DataManager/]: Sending data to client: Jasaphy [03:45:31] [Netty Epoll Server IO #9/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not serialize cpw.mods.inventorysorter.InventorySorterCommand$ContainerClassArgument@13825a66 (class cpw.mods.inventorysorter.InventorySorterCommand$ContainerClassArgument) - will not be sent to client! [03:45:31] [Netty Epoll Server IO #9/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not serialize cpw.mods.inventorysorter.InventorySorterCommand$ContainerClassArgument@2cd16170 (class cpw.mods.inventorysorter.InventorySorterCommand$ContainerClassArgument) - will not be sent to client! [03:45:46] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/ServerPlayNetHandler]: Jasaphy lost connection: Disconnected [03:45:46] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: Jasaphy left the game I deactivated the mod "inventorysorter" on Pc and Server but then I get a nullpointer for minecraft:milk if I tried to join the server. Then I activated the mod again and deleted all my playerdata in the server explorer. But then the first error comes up again. I dont know to do and I dont find anything to this errror.
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