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Everything posted by Zevekl

  1. I figured it out!
  2. I had previous posted an idea about getting entities from the client side. Since then I have updated to 1.16.4 and I thought I had it but then I kept getting a NullPointerException @EventBusSubscriber(modid = "Example", bus = Bus.FORGE, value = Dist.CLIENT) public class ClientEvents { @SubscribeEvent public static void onPlayerTick(final PlayerTickEvent event) { ClientWorld world = Minecraft.getInstance().world; } } Now I do want this all through client side. I want to be able to log into other servers using this mod. Any ideas on why this is throwing the exception?
  3. Does this world in 1.12? Sorry I'm very knew to forge and understanding how to make a clientside only mod.
  4. I was wondering if it was possible for forge to get a list of all entities and their names but only client side. If the player can see a entity/render an entity/or the entity is within the player's chunks, can I get that entities data. For example the name of the entity?
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