Hi! when i call "ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().displayGuiScreen(new GuiHomeSelector(msg.toString()));" To show my own GuiScreen... all work fine.. but the mouse don't show... if i click the mouse show fine...
¿How i can show the mouse cursor? thx.
This only work bad in multiplayer mode... in single mode the mouse shows fine :\
diesieben07 thx for your help I finally made it modifying the class GuiChat.java problem? I need distribute a "awj.class" file :\
Now i have other question... How i can change the size of the font when i use "FontRenderer" class?? i need other way? create a new wayport? :\
thx for all
Sry for spam messages... but i have other new question.
How i can intercept chat messages from local user?
Local User write: "Hi! ppl "
Mod read: "Hi! ppl "
Mod change: "/tc Hi! ppl "
Mod send chat message: "/tc Hi! ppl "
Server received: "/tc Hi! ppl "
Ummm reHi!
Pne problem.... i Handle a ChatMessages
NetworkRegistry.instance().registerChatListener(new ChatListenerHandler(this));
and read good the chat...
public Packet3Chat clientChat(NetHandler handler, Packet3Chat message)
But i like not show the message when i filter it.... how i can return a "Packet3Chat" without messages to not show it ingame chat ?¿??
Hi! i have some question about Forge API....
1. How i can parse chat messages?
2. How i can draw strings ingame? Not blocks... only Client Side... a text...
3. I can modify the package "net.minecraft.client.gui" the class "GuiIngame.java" and compile a mod?
Sry for my bad english and thx