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Posts posted by Glados1235

  1. okay so i sorta got it

    i added 

    public static final LegoMold legoMold = new LegoMold();

    and changed line 20 to

    	public static final RegistryObject<Item> LEGO_MOLD = ITEMS.register("lego_mold",
    			() -> new Item(new Item.Properties().group(LegoModItemGroup.LEGO_MOD).maxStackSize(1).containerItem(legoMold)));

    and now it works but instead of giving me back the mold but damaged it just gives me a air block so i assume i need to tell it what item to give?

  2. 11 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

    Then you should know how to make an instance of a class and how inheritance works...

    I don't that is why I'm asking for help here as there are no tutorials or examples anywhere that help with what I'm trying to do I've been trying for a few days now to figure it out and I cant I don't know what I'm supposed to do as no one wants to help

  3. hello! I am new to Minecraft modding and I'm modding for 1.16.4 I want to create an item that doesn't get used and takes damage during crafting (like ic2's hammer or cutters)

    this is the first mod I'm trying to make to learn and I prefer to learn through examples

    here is what I have for the item in question LEGO_MOLD or lego_mold


    my Item Init class



    the container item class I think is correct? (followed a tutorial kiiinda know how it works but not really)



    and the recipe I want to affect



    I know the container class is what's needed but how do I make the LEGO_MOLD the item it's affecting?

    like I said I'm brand new to this and don't know much java so examples would be super helpful!

    and it this is in the wrong place please tell me i dont post on forms much thanks!

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