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Everything posted by natesiteweb_4

  1. When I tried that, this is what it gave me, WorldGenMod
  2. Oh here, sorry lol WorldProviderMod ChunkProviderMod And I don't think I have the chunkmanager and the genlayer. And this is what it looks like s far, but I want to replace the grass and dirt and stone with my own version of them.
  3. Oh and I am new to forge so any help given is thanked.
  4. I am making a mod that has the same world generation as the end basically, but I changed it a bit. When I used blocks made in minecraft(Vanilla), it would generate properly. If I use a new block(that I added), it gives me an error and crashes the game. BlockPortalTutorial mod_Main If anyone would like to see any more of my code, please let me know, I could use as much help as possible. ERROR CODE And I am using forge for minecraft 1.5
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