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Everything posted by BarneyStinson

  1. awnser on norwegian please to tired off writing english now
  2. So i just download the src and i can see how its made?
  3. Could I posiblly download computercraft and the open it in eclipse and see how the did it ?
  4. So I was wondering how to make a game screen mod in minecraft. Like the Computer from computercraft they can play pong and worm/Snake. And I am wondering how could I make a similar mod?
  5. You can do it really simple by creating an item, go into the item class, type Item(let say Beer) ItemBeer extends ItemBucketMilk then it will act as a bucket of milk. And dont forget to add a constructor to ItemBeer
  6. SenpaiSubaraki, So basically I just put my mod folder with all the blocks.png and items.png together with the sprites.png into the texture pack. Then I download mcpatcher and patch the texture pack, then I download Optifine. And then everything should work?
  7. Sant nok(punktum). Ja jeg skjønner skal se om jeg for noen andre svar på forum linken du sendte meg så takk for det. Tenkte at jeg kunne spurt her for egentlig så er ikke "codingen" så veldig annerledes fra forge og mitt problem gikk mer på hvordan man la inn sin egen mod til en texture pack. Men takk for all hjelp så skal jeg se om jeg for noen andre svar som kan hjelpe meg på forumen du sendte meg! Hilsen BarneyStinson
  8. 1. I am srry for bad english writing and language(I am norwegian) 2. Yes i use the latest version of the texture pack but i haven't patched it yet (its HD) 3. What I need help with isn't that much about coding but its a little bit about coding in there. Because I need help with understanding how to add mods to a texturepack kind of. Because if you launch minecraft with a mod installed but you haven´t install the mod patch to your texture then the block will look like default minecraft. So i need help with adding the mod/how to make a patch and then add it into the texturepack folder. Then I need help with what i should write in the code section for example should i write "/terrain.png", "/MCP_Directory/jars/texturepacks/Sphax PureBDCraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png" or if I am supposed to write /appdata/Roaming/.minecraft/texturepacks/SPhax purebdcraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png 4. The mod isn´t that big it just adds 5 new blocks and 6 new items.
  9. Let´s say that you want to make a staff that shoots i dont know balls of thunder then you first make a staff which you get from making an item and then make a custom look of the staff. Then you write for example public class ItemStaff extends ItemBow then you´ll get an error or warning under ItemStaff if you just hover your´e mouse over it it will say add constructor. Then click on that. Then you made your own "bow" or shooting staff. The next thing you´ll need to do is to look for an command called something like arrow or shoot or ItemArrow which you can easily fin by pressing ctrl+f and then write arrow in the box that appears and hit find. If you find it great if not then just keep looking(thats what modding is all about trial and error). If you/ when you find it then you´ll need to make a new class or item. When your´e done making that item and you have set an image on how the ThunderBall will look then go back to your ItemStaff and change the shoot or Ammo or whatever i was called from arrow to Item.ThunderBall then you gotta write something like Item.ID i think then it should work and if you get any errors than just look at your console and see what it says or look up the error. Feel free to ask me for help. Ps. I wrote something wrong don you also have to copy paste the code from ItemBow to ItemStaff and then change the shoot or ammo to Item.ThunderBall
  10. But but if i want to be able to make the block for example look like the coal block from sphax just a little bit different and i make my own version of the coal block then when i launch minecraft select texture pack sphax pure bd craft then it says on the coko ore block UPDATE TP how to fix it? I need a patch but i dont know how to make that patch nor do i know how "to put" the mod folder into the sphax folder correctly
  11. ok so yes Sphax is a texture pack and what i want to do is to add my blocks and items in to the sphax folder so that when i change from default to Sphax PureBDCraft the Cokoore block will also change so that i will be able to place it with an block image instead og an block that says UPDATE TP on it. But i dont know how to add it properly into sphax neither do I know where i am suposed to but the sphax folder after I have placed my mod files in there. And I Dont know what the code will be after i have put the Sphax folder with my mod into the rigth folder inside of MCP
  12. Yeah i know thats its kind of f up to ask at forge forums but hey! Yes i have images in my mod folder or src folder which is /MCP/jars/Minecraft.jar/MagiCola/Cokore.png and when i type in /MagicCola/Cokoore.png it loads minecraft with no errors but i want to be able to use it with sphax but i dont know how to add it into the sphax folder nor to code it rigth so if you could possibly rigth down some code lines that should work that would be great tnx
  13. And if that code is right then i put it in the class ItemCola.java?
  14. So if i understand you right I put for example if the mod is called MagicCola and the Item is called Cola : @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void updateIcons(IconRegister iconRegister)//updateIcons { iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("MagicCola"+":"+"Cola"); } is that right?
  15. Ok, so basically I´ve made my own mod. Its called MagicCola and its coded in eclipse. I am using ModLoader(srry forge) Because it´s just a basic mod. But the problem is i have been trying to change the texture but i doesn't seem to work. I made the block or ore in photoShop and i basically just copy pasted the coal ore and changed it a little. But when i go into eclipse an type in for example: /AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/texturepacks/sphax PureBDCraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png then there are two possible scenarios either it doesn't find the picture or when i load up minecraft and go and find mu ore the its just a block saying UPDATE TP. So please i have been struggling whit this in more than 5 days now could someone possibly help me?
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