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Everything posted by dapo290793

  1. Nudge, nudge... Still no response to the above post so I have paused in the production of food items. Also I have been having trouble with adding multiple textures to my Rock Salt block. It keeps coming up texture is missing. package MagiCraft; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockOre; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb; import net.minecraft.util.Icon; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess; public class BlockRockSalt extends BlockOre { private Icon sides, bottom, top; public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1IconRegister) { this.sides = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("MagiCraft:RockSaltSide"); this.bottom = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("MagiCraft:RockSaltBottom"); this.top = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("MagiCraft:RockSaltTop"); } public Icon getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int i, int j) { if (i == 0) { return bottom; } if (i == 1) { return top; } else { return sides; } }//Don't edit this. public BlockRockSalt(int id, int texture) { super(id); setHardness(0.8F); // Same as Sandstone setResistance(5.0F); setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep); setUnlocalizedName("Rock Salt"); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); } public int idDropped(int par1, Random random, int par2) { return MagiCraft.SaltItem.itemID; } public int dropXpOnBlockBreak(Random par3Random) { return 5 + par3Random.nextInt(2); } public int quantityDropped(Random par1Random) { return 4 + par1Random.nextInt(2); } public String getTextureFile() { return CommonProxy.BLOCK_PNG; } } Any help with either problem would be much appreciated. Dan.
  2. Thank you again for the help on the XP, It's now all working... But to get back into interesting bugs that shouldn't exist, I have created the items Salted Pork and Salted Porkchop, however; neither of them are showing their name in-game. Here's the code: package MagiCraft; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood; public class ItemSaltedPork extends ItemFood { int A = 501; int B = 4; float C = 0.4F; boolean D = false; public ItemSaltedPork(int A, int B, float C, boolean D) { super (A, B, C, D); setMaxStackSize(64); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabFood); setUnlocalizedName("Salted Pork"); } } Could someone please shed some light on this as I am using the same code for an entire range of new foods and it's not working on any of them. Thanks, Dan.
  3. Having now reconstructed my code using what you gave me, Draco18, I can now say for certain that it works. I am extremely pleased with having mined my first vein of rock salt from beneath a desert. Thank you. Now how do I make it provide XP when mined again..? Dan
  4. So, for a clarification to my post I present the following: The mod I am creating is running under the name MagiCraft. The primary mod file is thus named MagiCraft.java: package MagiCraft; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeDecorator; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenDesert; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Init; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.PostInit; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.PreInit; import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry; @Mod(modid="Generic", name="Generic", version="0.0.0") @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=false) public class MagiCraft { //Items public static final Item SaltItem = new ItemSalt(500); //Blocks //Ores public static final Block rocksaltBlock = (new BlockRockSalt(161, 0)); //Crafting //Smelting //Graphics public void updateIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) { iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("MagiCraft:Salt"); iconIndex = iconRegister.registerIcon("MagiCraft:RockSalt"); } // The instance of your mod that Forge uses. @Instance("MagiCraft") public static MagiCraft instance; // Says where the client and server 'proxy' code is loaded. @SidedProxy(clientSide="MagiCraft.client.ClientProxy", serverSide="MagiCraft.CommonProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; private static BiomeGenBase BiomeGenDesert; @PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { // Stub Method } @Init public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event) { LanguageRegistry.addName(SaltItem, "Salt"); LanguageRegistry.addName(rocksaltBlock, "Rock Salt"); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(rocksaltBlock, "pickaxe", 1); GameRegistry.registerBlock(rocksaltBlock, "BlockRockSalt"); proxy.registerRenderers(); GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new MagiCraftGenerator()); //Replacing Desert for Further Additions } @PostInit public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { // Stub Method } } As you can see this uses the world gen file MagiCraftGenerator.java. While generating the ore randomly within game it looked as such: package MagiCraft; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable; import cpw.mods.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; public class MagiCraftGenerator implements IWorldGenerator { @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { switch(world.provider.dimensionId){ case -1: generateNether(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16); break; case 0: generateSurface(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16); break; case 1: generateEnd(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16); break; } } private void generateEnd(World world, Random random, int i, int j) { } private void generateSurface(World world, Random random, int i, int j) { Random randomGenerator = random; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { int randPosX = i + randomGenerator.nextInt(16); int randPosY = random.nextInt(65); int randPosZ = j + randomGenerator.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(MagiCraft.rocksaltBlock.blockID, 10)).generate(world, random, randPosX, randPosY, randPosZ); } } private void generateNether(World world, Random random, int i, int j) { } } Then ofcourse you have the block and item codes: BLOCK package MagiCraft; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockOre; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; public class BlockRockSalt extends BlockOre { public BlockRockSalt(int id, int texture) { super(id); setHardness(0.8F); // Same as Sandstone setResistance(5.0F); setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep); setUnlocalizedName("Rock Salt"); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); } public String getTextureFile() { return CommonProxy.BLOCK_PNG; } public int idDropped(int par1, Random random, int par2) { return MagiCraft.SaltItem.itemID; } public int quantityDropped(Random par1Random) { return 4 + par1Random.nextInt(2); } public int quantityDroppedWithBonus(int par1, Random par2Random) { return this.quantityDropped(par2Random) + par2Random.nextInt(par1 + 1); } } Item package MagiCraft; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; public class ItemSalt extends Item { public ItemSalt(int id) { super(id); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub // Constructor Configuration setMaxStackSize(64); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc); setUnlocalizedName("Salt"); } public String getTextureFile() { return CommonProxy.ITEMS_PNG; } } To the Attempted Desert Biome Generation After much research I decided that it was probably easiest to override the BiomeGenDesert.java by creating my own and redirecting with the following code: private static final BiomeGenBase BiomGenDesert = null; public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event) { LanguageRegistry.addName(SaltItem, "Salt"); LanguageRegistry.addName(rocksaltBlock, "Rock Salt"); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(rocksaltBlock, "pickaxe", 1); GameRegistry.registerBlock(rocksaltBlock, "BlockRockSalt"); proxy.registerRenderers(); GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new MagiCraftGenerator()); //Replacing Desert for Further Additions GameRegistry.removeBiome(BiomeGenBase.desert); GameRegistry.addBiome(MagiCraft.BiomGenDesert); } BiomeGenDesert.java looks like: package MagiCraft; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenDesertWells; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase; import MagiCraft.MagiCraftGenerator; public class BiomeGenDesert extends BiomeGenBase { public BiomeGenDesert(int par1) { super(par1); this.spawnableCreatureList.clear(); this.topBlock = (byte)Block.sand.blockID; this.fillerBlock = (byte)Block.sand.blockID; this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = -999; this.theBiomeDecorator.deadBushPerChunk = 2; this.theBiomeDecorator.reedsPerChunk = 50; this.theBiomeDecorator.cactiPerChunk = 10; } public void decorate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4) { super.decorate(par1World, par2Random, par3, par4); int o = 0 + par2Random.nextInt(6); int p; int q1; int r1; if (par2Random.nextInt(1000) == 0) { int k = par3 + par2Random.nextInt(16) + 8; int l = par4 + par2Random.nextInt(16) + 8; WorldGenDesertWells worldgendesertwells = new WorldGenDesertWells(); worldgendesertwells.generate(par1World, par2Random, k, par1World.getHeightValue(k, l) + 1, l); } for (p = 0; p < o; ++p) { r1 = par3 + par2Random.nextInt(16); q1 = par2Random.nextInt(28) + 4; int o1 = par4 + par2Random.nextInt(16); int p1 = par1World.getBlockId(q1, r1, o1); if (p1 == Block.sandStone.blockID) { par1World.setBlock(o1, r1, 01, MagiCraft.rocksaltBlock.blockID, 0, 2); } } } } I've attempted to combine the coding from BiomeGenBase with the Emerald Ore coding from BiomeGenHills. I hope this helps you to see what I was trying to do, Dan.
  5. Hello to all you fine folks out there. Having recently discovered the wondrous thing that is Minecraft Forge, I have started to create my own mod. This mod has started out incredibly simply: I have added the item Salt, which will, in future, be used in the processing of raw and cooked meat. I have also added the block Rock Salt, which you can mine to get Salt. I then successfully integrated the ore into the world gen, however; it has always been my intention to make Rock Salt spawn ONLY in Desert Biomes and only to be generated between y-Coords 55 and 65, just beneath the sand. I have spent two days searching the internet for any references to these processes with little success. With what fragments I did find I attempted to create my own method, however, this has failed rather dismally. Both attempted methods resulted in no coding errors, as shown by Eclypse, and a fatal crash on world generation. Can someone please help me with this one? Thanks, Dan.
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