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Everything posted by Crescentine
lmao glad you like it.
But the hitbox is physically moving downwards roughly - how is that the rendrer if the entity itself is moving?
could anyone help me out with trying to fix this problem? I'm noticing it while trying to update my mod to 1.19.3. Not really sure what's going on here... entity is a child of this class https://gist.github.com/Crescentine/028745bebb8685eee4a13294cb638dfd Basically, gravity is completely scuffed and its not going down smoothly like it was in 1.19.2. Is there some sort of change or whatever I need to implement? Is it related to Geckolib4? This is my whole project repo - https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Core Video showing the problem Thanks in advance to any insight anyone can provide.
Hi there, I am trying to make the tanks in my mod require fuel in order to move. I've done this by requiring in order to be controlled by rider (extending PigEntity) they need to have fuel > 0. I have a function set up to print out the amount of 'fuel time' left, that is working as intended. It shows that even when there is plenty of fuel (meaning fuel > 0) it is not syncing up with the stuff allowing the entity to move, and as a result it cannot move. I had a hard time describing this, I can clarify if needed. Yes, I am saving it to the entity's nbt The class (parent to all the entity classes in the mod) the problem is in: https://pastebin.com/BFNSKzsm Github Repository of the Mod https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18
Hi there, so I'm trying to make some advancements for my mod . Basically, the furthest one on the right is supposed to only work when it is one of the three items that it is set up to do. Instead, however, when ANY item from the mod is put into the user's inventory, the advancement is triggered. I'm at a loss here as to why this is happening; Any help would be appreciated. Advancement File: https://pastebin.com/9wq3xiCd Github Repository: https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18 Thanks, Crescentine
Hi there, I have a machine set up in my mod where the machine's 'intended' behavior is that when you put in more than one thing such as in this case, the recipe uses the cooldown still. Something's definitely missing, I just don't know what to add to fix this. I had no other idea of how to explain this properly, so I made a quick video demonstrating the issue. I have alot of classes related to this and registries and all that, and I don't think it'd be proper to post them all here. Here is my github repositary , but I can share individual files too. Thanks for all help you are able to give. https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18
Oh and now like magic it loads fine. Goddammit. It must've been the changes I made right before comitting to github or something (didn't touch it afterwards). I swear, I didn't just come here to troll you. Thanks for helping me!
For me, when I load the game and open a world I already made though it doesn't open! When you first place it down it does, but if you leave game and rejoin it doesn't.
https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18 Here.
Here are the right classes (I made sure) Block: https://pastebin.com/q7d7GP0v Block Entity: https://pastebin.com/ACEUPZAP Menu: https://pastebin.com/JBccGb1Q Screen: https://pastebin.com/E0P0YxRS
I changed it to use my BlockEntityType.PLATING_PRESS shortly after sending that message; error still persists.
Oh my gosh, I uh messed it up lmao https://pastebin.com/M17HhB2p It was late at night and I sent the wrong Class . That's the other machine. Here is the right one
Hi there, I made a new container, screen, block entity and block for a new machine in my mod. However, despite mostly copying code from my other similar machine, when I leave game and rejoin, the block no longer opens its screen. (Works fine with the original machine) I've checked the differences three times and I just don't understand- what am I missing? Block: https://pastebin.com/umfbqnYw Block Entity: https://pastebin.com/VZQ1YkDB Menu/Container: https://pastebin.com/4m0Stnt7 Screen: https://pastebin.com/0qW8yjBG Thank you in advance for any possible help!
Wait so the issue is that it doesn't extract slots 0- 7 and only extracts 0-6 and inserts into 8 leaving one unaccounted for? Did I read that correctly? So like, I can solve it by adding "entity.extractItem(7);" to the CrafterBlockEntity? Or is there more to this??
Just did now, is updated.
I resolved the two inventories thing and removed the itemHandler field; It now only inherits from the parent class, and I did the other thing. Yet it still doesn't work. At this point what else can I do? Thanks for the help by the way
Hi there, This is a update of my earlier post which was missing information and was requiring potential helpers to look at my entire repo to find the classes in question; I decided to add more information and text here in order to explain what I am trying to do and what is happening. So I am trying to implement a custom crafter machine for the things in my mod to be made with. There is no errors in my IDE and it compiles fine, yet the issue comes that when the items are all in the slot, it doesn't work. I don't know WHY it doesn't work , as its registered and should work; I've looked at other githubs to try to compare and contrast, yet I don't notice any big difference in the three or so I've looked at. I do hope someone can help me with this! Thank you for all possible help. This is the Recipe Class (TankCrafterRecipe) https://pastebin.com/3tZR2SSB Recipe Register (ModRecipes) https://pastebin.com/wbvucnRU Container for the Crafter (CratferContainer) https://pastebin.com/xqJDFVW2 Crafter Block Entity / Tile Entity https://pastebin.com/Av5VBW4W Crafter Block https://pastebin.com/tXQ6JB76 Test Recipe (json) (in resources/data/trajanstanks/recipes) https://pastebin.com/B5jGzSSv Lastly, here is my github for the mod in case any other questions or classes. https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18/tree/main/src/main/java/com/crescentine/trajanstanks
I don't really know how to explain this issue, other than that despite it being registered, no code errors and all that, when I place my items for my test recipe in the slots, it doesn't craft. This is using a custom crafting recipe type, and is the first time I've ever gotten this far with this attempt. (5th one in the past 3-5 months). This is my github. I can share the individual files via pastebin if requested. Thanks for any help given. https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18/tree/main/src/main/java/com/crescentine/trajanstanks
How do i close these things?
I managed to fix that problem.. yet now it has given another one. https://pastebin.com/E0tZYVET At this point, I don't even know what I did wrong or how to do this. I've tried to do this specific thing five times the past few months and its really annoying. Any help is appreciated. https://github.com/Crescentine/Trajans-Tanks-1.18 I updated the Github.
I don't really know how to use it that well but I guess i could try to learn more.
I'm having some difficulties registering my recipe types. I keep getting a crash and I've tried to fix it for about three hours, but I was unbale to. Could someone help me solve this problem / tell me what to change to make it work? ModRecipeTypes Class (the one being complained about) https://pastebin.com/BKsm2zpQ Error/Crash Report https://pastebin.com/uc7bAsZA I'd post my github repositary here, but its not updated due to me trying to make a custom recipe type many times (5 over the past three months) and not wanting to mess up the repo if I end up deleting it again.