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    Boise, Idaho
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    I like both kinds of Java!

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I'll probably rewrite it later
  2. Hmm, we did ours differently. Oh well, I'll post mine here too for reference http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2571061-forge-rendering-an-item-on-your-block/#entry30530596
  3. Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look at it! EDIT: I got it to work, thanks! I'm going to write a tutorial for this now!
  4. I want a 3D model of an item to render above my TileEntity when the item is placed in the TileEntity. The problem is the actual rendering, I was wondering if there was some method I could call to do this, or would I have to write my own code/make my own model?
  5. Show us the Ref class
  6. There is a EQUIPPED_FIRST_PERSON case to account for, I would suggest messing around with rotation under that
  7. For checking if a block below is powered use this example: if(world.isBlockProvidingPowerTo(x, y - 1, z, direction)) { this.doSomething(); } y - 1 to check block below your block direction would be up(above) for checking if it powers your block (I think up is 1 or 0)
  8. Can you override default blocks without being a core-mod? If so, then how would I do that?
  9. Well if there any way to render multiple layers? if you know what i mean
  10. So I want to render multiple textures on one block face (Like grass), How Would I do that?
  11. Hello, I was wondering how I could use Item damage as a sort of charge, like the philosopher's stone in EE2.
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