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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Huh, I had to run both again for a different debug log which looks to be good, but it appears to end up having the same error with "Vault" anyways. I went and switched out some of the config files under a folder called "the_vault" and get the same thing, so I'm assuming its just the Vault file in the mods folder? Edit: Well, it works perfectly fine in single player. Just tested it, so I'm at a loss. Should I just take the world and player data out and make a new server? Although that might not work because the error is client side https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HzEJ0t0GqO6y-Tt-VhrZVTKNsqUcm1vg/view?usp=sharing
  2. Sorry, that was dumb. Probably another dumb question, would these google drive links work, or do I need to use a different medium? Server: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WM63DHidfELjFRt9LvqyFEguZAjGnwUh/view?usp=sharing Client: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dv_KjnQ1naxIr3XL-Nxu6r04WiB9UGz0/view?usp=sharing
  3. server log: https://imgur.com/ZL1TPo1 client log: https://imgur.com/k0wgPPU
  4. Forge is updated, so are all the mods, but it tells me its failing to synchronize registry data whenever I attempt to connect. Here's the start of the starting batch file and the end when I try to connect. I'm using mc 1.16.5 with the downloaded files from the Vault Hunters mod pack 1.12.4 from curseforge. Forge is at the latest update at 36.2.33. Thanks in advance! https://imgur.com/sWuKbHF https://imgur.com/EcxEHk8
  5. That definitely fixed the problem, the server shows full bars and mod compatibility, but loads this when I try to enter: https://imgur.com/a/KmpycDF
  6. Triple checked and the mod is up to date
  7. https://imgur.com/a/pZ4hIQ2
  8. Now I feel dumb, I swear I tried that multiple times. It's loading all the mods but it's stuck on one of them saying that "config\endermail -common.toml is not correct. Correcting", and keeps repeating
  9. https://imgur.com/a/kRUtM5O
  10. I'm setting up a modded server on 1.16.5 and in the process, clicking on forge.jar wouldn't open the eula, but opened all the other folders. So I clicked on the minecraft_server.jar and it provided me with everything else I needed and starts the server up when I direct the start.bat to it. But then it obviously just starts a vanilla server because forge isn't running the mods. I've been hacking away at it for a few days now and still can't figure it out, including uninstalling, reinstalling, restarting from the beginning, etc. Any help would be much appreciated!!
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