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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Ok but is there a way to make it faster? Like using the onUpdate() method inside EntityPlayer?
  2. Is there a way to make that when you walk, for exemple, on water, it instantly change it into ice (so you can walk on it)? Thanks!
  3. Ok I just find out that I have to create a new World Type. I did some research and I did not found a tutorial that was working on Forge 1.5.1 . Do you know a good one? Thanks!
  4. No one? I mean there is no way to modify the Overworld ChunkProvider to make it spawn structured biomes?
  5. Thanks! All working fine!
  6. I am running Forge 1.5.1 and I would like that when you mine a certain ore and then you get the block in your inventory, you get damaged and if you keep it too long, you will die (just like hunger damage). Thanks!
  7. I am running Forge 1.5.1 and I would like to generate, for exemple, desert biome at spawn location, plains biome 100 blocks away from spawn and forest biome 250 blocks away from spawn. Is it possible? Thanks!
  8. I am running Forge 1.5.1 and I would like that when you generate a new world, you spawn at a specific position (0, adaptative, 0). Thanks!
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