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Everything posted by Thi3600

  1. Well... i think it did end the problem.
  2. Well... now I did a new play and created a superflat world, and also did go to nether. The game did not crash (it's faster), some supplementaries mod's items did show the name id instead of the normal name in the inventory and JEI. Here is the log: https://gist.github.com/Th3600/0509f45fc6ad4eb53eed098f182ae841
  3. Well... It did not change very much. https://gist.github.com/Th3600/036f839267498084a746e50c46690710 (i did close the game on the end)
  4. Well... I did tested without it and it...crashed again. Now, I did reinstall 1.16.5 Forge and installed 239 mods (some are disabled) and runned Minecraft I did not create a world, but here is the log: https://gist.github.com/Th3600/594aed5e6229ccc76b4214debe6ff411 I did kill java after that, since it was consuming my RAM. Strange that in the log I see that better diving, supplementaries and lots of other mods did have some strange problems in launch...
  5. Oh.... Let me test without it....
  6. I'm using Minecraft 1.16.5 Forge, MultiMC launcher and it sometimes freezes on launch, and it is very low and also freezes when it loads a world. When the game loads a world, all entities and liquids do interact very slowly like there's no TPS. Some times later, the game just crashes. Using Java 8. This is the log: https://gist.github.com/Th3600/f958edf97e0f8edc098b4c453ed02f58 And this is the crash: https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/iwixopiruz.rb I have like 290-295 mods.
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