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carlos enrique

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Everything posted by carlos enrique

  1. i got a better log: I used the single player chat just before the world stop working soo i think the error is just before the "a" on the chat. I hope some one can help us, we are kynda giving up on playing with custom modpacks... https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/7ca2899c28e2477aadf91c40156c01fe
  2. what mod that includes that type of items? i cant find them or the mod. I did not install the "practical tools mod" soo idk where that come from
  3. another crash log, idk what to do i am desperated its just crashing all the time and we cant play... https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/95111671aedd430fa62f3f27ccc14aa2
  4. here is the log, srry for the wait: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/d28975e668ed4fa4abecc3f96e79b28a
  5. i really cant post it, how can i post the file?...
  6. how can i post it?, i cant find the "upload file" option
  7. we think that this may be a gen problem cause it only crash when we go to some areas, here is the end of the log when it just finish loading the single player world, at the stoping comand is when i decide to just close the game on brute force. Its soo wierd, it does not crash like soo, it just stop working, u can still move arround but the game dont respond to you. Srry for my english i hope some one can understand and help me wiht this. [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: Custom modded block handling enabled for biomesoplenty [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: JavaScript engine provided: Oracle Nashorn [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §eJourneyMap:§f Presione [§bJ§f] [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: Loaded 3 waypoints from C:\Users\Usuario\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\FINALLLL\journeymap\data\sp\Sin nombre\waypoints [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: Mapping started in C:\Users\Usuario\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\FINALLLL\journeymap\data\sp\Sin nombre\overworld. Memory: 3355MB total, 1425MB free [23:23:55] [main/INFO]: Facade Accessor: team.chisel.ctm.api.IFacade [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "botania:terra_axe": qualifier string \"botania:terra_axe\" is malformed [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "mekanism:atomic_disassembler": qualifier string \"mekanism:atomic_disassembler\" is malformed [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "@lumberjack": qualifier string \"@lumberjack\" is malformed [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "@lumberjack": no items found in namespace "lumberjack" [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "practicaltools:iron_greataxe": qualifier string \"practicaltools:iron_greataxe\" is malformed [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "practicaltools:golden_greataxe": qualifier string \"practicaltools:golden_greataxe\" is malformed [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "practicaltools:diamond_greataxe": qualifier string \"practicaltools:diamond_greataxe\" is malformed [23:24:01] [main/WARN]: Configuration error when parsing "practicaltools:netherite_greataxe": qualifier string \"practicaltools:netherite_greataxe\" is malformed [23:26:00] [main/INFO]: Stopping! [23:26:00] [main/INFO]: Starting action 'stop' [23:26:00] [main/INFO]: Overall Action 'stop' took 15msecs [23:26:00] [main/INFO]: Clearing reload state (playerJoined: true, reloadFired: true, customTagsEventFired: true, vanillaTagsEventFired: true) [23:26:00] [main/INFO]: Mapping halted in C:\Users\Usuario\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\FINALLLL\journeymap\data\mp\offline\minecraft:overworld
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