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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I'm no Java expert, but am trying to generate the dimension noise_settings for my mod using code, but am stuck on how to program 'string' arguments. I have used the Noise Settings Generator at https://misode.github.io/worldgen/noise-settings/?version=1.20 to design my noise settings In my code, my RegistrySetBuilder adds Registries.NOISE_SETTINGS, and in that bootstrap I register my noise which creates a new NoiseGeneratorSettings. This creates a new NoiseRouter, to which I pass DensityFunction parameters Noise Settings Generator Float Arguments I can code like: DensityFunctions.constant(1) Object Arguments I can code like: DensityFunctions.noise(holdergetter.getOrThrow(Noises.SURFACE), 500.0D, -12.0D) But I can't see how to do String Arguments. In misode they look like Argument: String: minecraft:overworld_large_biomes/sloped_cheese Any ideas?
  2. I'm new to this myself, but from what I can gather, the blockstates JSON file define the direction to place a block in. I copied the carved_pumpkin.json in net.minecraft.client.extra:1.18.1: { "variants": { "facing=east": { "model": "minecraft:block/carved_pumpkin", "y": 90 }, "facing=north": { "model": "minecraft:block/carved_pumpkin" }, "facing=south": { "model": "minecraft:block/carved_pumpkin", "y": 180 }, "facing=west": { "model": "minecraft:block/carved_pumpkin", "y": 270 } } } Unfortunately I still can't get it to work, mine says "Unknown blockstate property: 'facing'" Update: The error is for all four directions. This works however: { "variants": { "": { "model": "minecraft:block/carved_pumpkin", "y": 270 } } } The reply to the following (old) post seems to be saying that blockstates don't work in Forge, is that true? https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/70947-1132-solved-trouble-getting-forge-blockstate-json-to-work/ Could it be that my versions for things are wrong? Good luck!
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