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Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Anyone?
  2. I need a bit of help with the textures for my mod. The Problem is that I do not know what folder I put my textures in, nor where that folder is. Please help. Thanks - Luke
  3. your mod doesnt go into minecraft.jar, the zip goes into mods folder. You have to make an mcmod.info, there is no other way
  4. Ok thanks, but , are there any detailed tutoraials on this? I am still a bit confused
  5. Ok thanks, but , are there any detailed tutoraials on this? I am still a bit confused
  6. I have a render, but what would I do to make the block show up as it?
  7. I have a render, but what would I do to make the block show up as it?
  8. for the link. he didnt help me at all. I already knew that
  9. for the link. he didnt help me at all. I already knew that
  10. Told the solution to the problem. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Containers_and_GUIs Tutorial on GUI's and stuff. Should get ya going. Once you can open your own GUI from an item using player.openGui method (If it's still named so?) then you should be ready to do what you are attempting to do ^^ Finally, some actual help. You, sir, are a fricking GENIUS
  11. Told the solution to the problem. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Containers_and_GUIs Tutorial on GUI's and stuff. Should get ya going. Once you can open your own GUI from an item using player.openGui method (If it's still named so?) then you should be ready to do what you are attempting to do ^^ Finally, some actual help. You, sir, are a fricking GENIUS
  12. Are there any tutorials on this?
  13. Are there any tutorials on this?
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