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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. You know what, case closed. The goddamn thing finally worked, but you didn't have to be such an asshole about it, I mean you DID create the damn thing.
  2. Dude. I used the script. Stop jumping to conclusions, just because others never had this error doesn't mean I didn't. All the console says is "Something failed validating Minecraft files, see log for more info." And if it doesn't write a log, then you may as well tell me in what directory to put the client and common source code of Forge and FML. Seriously, how hard can it be? And guess what? When I said I didn't use the script, I meant that the errors were created because I tried installing the files myself after the failure of the script.
  3. Have you been reading anything I just read? I don't know where the log is. I used the goddamn script. Just tell me where to place the source files!
  4. I tried with another version, it still did not work. Where do I install the java files manually?
  5. I DIDN'T use the script. And where is the log generated?
  6. Which of the versions of Minecraft Forge do not give me thousands of errors when Eclipse opens up? I've been downloading multiple recommended builds yet none of them do not generate compile errors. Does anybody know such a version, please?
  7. It is. I found it in the materials section. The person whos tutorials I followed used such material and it worked successfully. If this could be what caused it, I did not register a texture, a name, or a creative inventory tab. EDIT: Never mind. I realized I was programming with build 682 while the current build I used was lower.
  8. Since I began with a test block to see if it'll work, I assigned the material "rock" to the block. It might not be because of that, but even so I happen to crash. I installed the mod in the jar because it would not work if placed in the "mods" folder, would this cause the issue? Here's the code and the log: Test Block class file: Error report: EDIT: One more thing. The class files had .java files mixed in. Does this affect anything?
  9. But where is the log?
  10. Most of you might not get this issue, but for some reason when I use the Forge Source installation to install the Forge items into the source code, it does not do so and instead generated the error message that says there was an issue validating Minecraft. What does this mean, how do I fix this, and if it cannot be replicated or fixed then how and what do I install into the source code manually?
  11. As a newbie to modding, I have a basic knowledge to Java and I could search up on the Internet tutorials on adding blocks, items, GUIs, entities, etc. My only issue is that I wish to know a few things that could make my development of my first mod easier. Videos would greatly help. When the source code of Minecraft is decompiled, how do I implement Minecraft Forge without failing a decompiling process or pasting it after the decompiling which would screw it all up? How do I make a configuration file and customizable gameplay elements using the file? With the new Searge Obfuscation, how do I enable it to reobfuscate the mod to the current version? And finally, since my mod would involve creating mod elements in-game, how do I make Forge reinitialize and load the newly added creations?
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