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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. What? Fixed with code tag, looks cleaner.
  2. Hello everyone, been using Minecraft Forge for little over a week now, and my mod is coming along quite swimmingly. However, I needed to change the chat command syntax, and needed to adjust the base chat commands themselves, so I guess that makes my mod a coremod? Can I do this without it being a coremod? (from '/' to '#') If not, how do I compile this as a coremod, because when I recompile, it makes a regular mod, and when loaded, it does nothing to the chat commands. Thanks!
  3. It would do you well to explain in detail what the problem is, rather than 'it doesn't work!' What did you do with the code, where did you put it, what are the errors, etc.
  4. Have a look at the function: par1ICommandSender.sendChatToPlayer("TEXT"); Declared under the ICommandSender interface. Look around in the net.minecraft.command package and you should see how it is used. Good luck!
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