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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hallo, i want to make my own particles for a nice chimney, but the view distance is only by 16 blocks. those any body have a solution to increase this distance to 128 blocks? i found that threat http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=184.0 but they did not offer a solution. i would be very thanks full for your help. with kind regards Spycoclown
  2. I tryed this one but it dont work... what is wrong? TickRegistry.registerScheduledTickHandler(new SpyScheduledTickHandler(), this.side); public class SpyScheduledTickHandler implements IScheduledTickHandler{ @Override public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { System.out.println("Spy Tick"); } @Override public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public EnumSet<TickType> ticks() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public String getLabel() { return "SpyTickHandler"; } @Override public int nextTickSpacing() { return 200; } }
  3. Ah yes thx, ill have a look at this method thx. with foodstat it is funny, if i quote out that the player get harmed it work, but if i put a System.out.println("foodstat changed"); this message dont get performt.
  4. to 1. if i could catch the message befor it get send and then i could cut the username out and replace it, but how do i catch that message? to 2. i will have a try thx and to 3. Thx, what is better for me ITickHandler oder IScheduledTickHandler? I want to check every 30 second where the player is Standing and if he is in a cold biome i want to harm him Ah and i have a new Questing, in foodstat i can handle what hapend if the foodlvl is low and so on, but it dont work on the Server. in Singleplayer there is no Problem. Where to i can hook in for the foodstat at the server?
  5. Hallo, hope somebody could help me. I have 3 Problems: 1. Id like to Change the Nickname of a player in the Chat where do i have to hook in? 2. I have a command but at the moment the player have to be OP to use it, how can make it that a normal player can use this command? 3. I would like to perform an Action every 30 second? how do i can get a Time ticker or something? thx for the help. Spycoclown
  6. Hallo, I dont not found any Tutorial at this time, where i find a posiblity to catch a Command a player have send. What i want to do: Player A send this message /knowing Spycoclown and know i want the server to reakt how do i implement it? hope somebody could help me, a tutorial would be help enought. Thx for all
  7. Thx, so far i can handle alle the action a player want to do. but know i am looking for the crafting i want to cancel crafting items if they dont have permission. (he get the permission when his lvl is high enough) maybe somebody have an idea how i get to that hook on the crafting result?
  8. Thx, so far i can handle alle the action a player want to do. but know i am looking for the crafting i want to cancel crafting items if they dont have permission. (he get the permission when his lvl is high enough) maybe somebody have an idea how i get to that hook on the crafting result?
  9. do this code works also on server side? World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; Block block = Block.blocksList[world.getBlockId(x, event.y, z)];
  10. do this code works also on server side? World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; Block block = Block.blocksList[world.getBlockId(x, event.y, z)];
  11. thx for help i was already trying something like that but i think yours is better i got so far that i know what Item is in the hand of the player with: event.entityPlayer.getHeldItem().itemID
  12. thx for help i was already trying something like that but i think yours is better i got so far that i know what Item is in the hand of the player with: event.entityPlayer.getHeldItem().itemID
  13. Hallo, i am trying to handle the event of PlayerInteractEvent. My code is already getting this event but where do i find in that event what is the player interacting?? Does any body have a tipp for me how to find the right event? I want to Handel - Crafting - Block placing - Item Use - break Block - Do Dmg where do i find these events? may be somebody have a tutorial for me. it is not the problem to catch the event if i know what event i have to catch. Thx for your help. ps: for example FillBucketEvent i can handle the fillbucket but where can i handle the Emptyfullbucket?
  14. Hallo, i am trying to handle the event of PlayerInteractEvent. My code is already getting this event but where do i find in that event what is the player interacting?? Does any body have a tipp for me how to find the right event? I want to Handel - Crafting - Block placing - Item Use - break Block - Do Dmg where do i find these events? may be somebody have a tutorial for me. it is not the problem to catch the event if i know what event i have to catch. Thx for your help. ps: for example FillBucketEvent i can handle the fillbucket but where can i handle the Emptyfullbucket?
  15. Thx i will have a try
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