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Everything posted by Thewafflication

  1. I used this installer minecraftforge-installer-1.6.2- and when you run it before getting 1.6.2 runned for the first time The error message still says minecraft 1.6.1
  2. Also I'm using vista
  3. After 30min I fiigured out there is 1 . diffrence between the file name on mcp website and the one python wants to download. So that worked but I still have a problem after the next set of packages asm, guava, etc I put them in MCP/lib, ok. But then the minecraft.jar and other bin and jar files failed to download. I copyed my bin and resource folder into the mcp/jars folder and persisted to get the error "socket error 10035 failed to download" Both trying to download and after I copyed mine from the game I got this Message: "Something Failed verifying minecraft files, see log for details... Decompile Exception: 1" Where is this log?
  4. After 30min I fiigured out there is 1 . diffrence between the file name on mcp website and the one python wants to download. So that worked but I still have a problem after the next set of packages asm, guava, etc I put them in MCP/lib, ok. But then the minecraft.jar and other bin and jar files failed to download. I copyed my bin and resource folder into the mcp/jars folder and persisted to get the error "socket error 10035 failed to download" Both trying to download and after I copyed mine from the game I got this Message: "Something Failed verifying minecraft files, see log for details... Decompile Exception: 1" Where is this log?
  5. When I tryed to run install.bat I got Sokket Error 10035. It said MCP7.44.zip failed to download and I have to install it manually. How do I do this?
  6. When I tryed to run install.bat I got Sokket Error 10035. It said MCP7.44.zip failed to download and I have to install it manually. How do I do this?
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