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zz4163 last won the day on March 26 2024

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  1. i managed to fix it by reinstalling the modpack and re-add all the extra mods I've had previously.
  2. i never created a world on singleplayer and I don't see a level.dat file, there's a server.dat file though. but i play multiplayer on my minecraft server with my friends.
  3. Yea im not sure what happened but it was running just fine like 5 hours ago, i didn't do anything to the mod list or change anything and now it just keeps crashing when i start up minecraft. for context, im playing the modpack called "all the mods 9" with the addition of 3 extra mods which is "TACZ", "essential" and "better third person". crash report: https://paste.ee/p/TPhdhsGR debug log: too big to upload
  4. I have recently installed like 200 something mods for my server and never tested it with multiple people. just last night when I got a friend to join and gave them some armor n stuff to help them get started, but all the armor and the tools was displaying weird on the playermodel. on their end, they look normal with the armor on their body and tools in their hand like how normal minecraft is, but on my end, they have their tool on the top of their head and armors in both of their hands. I've attached a few img containing the issue i am having and the mod list. it would be great if anyone could figure out what is casuing this bug
  5. i just found the mod that was conflicting with TaCZ, it was Figura.
  6. oh i found the issue, it's the timeless and classics zero that caused the crash but idk what mod is conflicting with that.
  7. i've removed connector and all the mods that requires it, it didn't seem to work debug: https://paste.ee/p/Rt1Tp
  8. I don't know if it could be my hardware issues or not since my good computer is gone so i am using a much worse computer to run my games while I save up for a new computer. Debug Log: https://paste.ee/p/cujzY
  9. oh i found the issue, it's Oculus that caused the crash.
  10. yes my minecraft launches just fine without the listed mods, which is confusing me quite a bit.
  11. So a recent update for Valkyrien Skies fixed the compatability issue for Sodium 0.5.8, Embeddium and Rubidium, but when i updated the mod and installed embeddium, the game crashes right after discovering mods/launching minecraft step. crash report: did not generate a crash report. debug log: https://paste.ee/p/9erGe
  12. it only crashes with i have the 2 mods installed with all the other mods, and it only works fine with i don't have any other mods installed which is confusing to me
  13. it works just fine without any of those mods. i've added only the adventures in time mod and the lib for it and it caused the crash, but without any other mods and only the connector and the forgified fabric api including that mod with it's required lib, it still works fine.
  14. did not work sadly crash report: https://paste.ee/p/8v2gW debug log: https://paste.ee/p/bfn7e
  15. I'm not sure what mod caused the crash this time, but i'm pretty sure it's the mods conflicting with eachother but not sure which one. crash report: https://paste.ee/p/7cTg9 debug log: https://paste.ee/p/ajjVA
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