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  1. Thank you I got it to work
  2. Thanks for your response but I fixed the problem.
  3. I have a custom block and it has one itemSlot in it and I need to force the client to know what item is inside of it before they open it. Is there a way to get this information from the client even if they have never opened the block?
  4. Both of the pictures that are put on the gui are the same size 256x256 yet my GUI is way bigger than normal. If anyone could help me with this that would be very helpful. My GUI GUI that works.
  5. I have a block that will hold an item in it and I want to grab the Icon of that Item that is inside my BlockEntity and apply to the front of the block so there is Icon of the item on the inside that is visible on the 3D block. Is this possible?
  6. Ok, thanks for the response
  7. Thank you i figured out a system to get this event to work. I have another question if you dont mind is it possible to pop up this menu manually instead of having a player open up an anvil and type in a value so they can just have a anvil gui pop up and they can just type in the value?
  8. Im trying to get the name of a paper item after its name was changed in an anvil. Although using ItemStack.getDisplayName(); or ItemStack.getHoverName(); does not return this. I also tried looking at Item but i cant find any way to get the Items Name. Is there any way to get the name I want from the ItemStack?
  9. Yes I am trying to set the data in my BlockEntity. I am trying to store the players UUID in my block Entity on place. Is it just as simple as setting a variable in that block entity to the players uuid or is there more too it? If you could show an example i would love that.
  10. I looked at it for a while and I tried to implement it but it cant figure out how to get it to work. Is there anyway you can give me an example of how I can do this with Capabilities? It would be greatly appreciated.
  11. I am trying to store the player that placed down the block as soon as it gets placed down so whenever a player interacts with the block it will check if that player is the owner or not. Is there anyway to add data to the Block Entity and have it saved in that block to be checked whenever anyone interacts with it?
  12. Since I am spawning in an item from a mod which is a gun. Is there a way to make an exact copy of that item? Im asking this because when the rifle spawns in the shoot sound is a button clicking and it spawns with no ammo and can shoot infinitely. FIXED
  13. Thank you this fixed the error 😀
  14. I am trying to use @ObjectHolder to make an Item variable that holds the information of an Item from another mod. How would I use the Mods ID and the item name to make that work? Heres what i am trying right now, I have never used this before so I am having trouble. If anyone could help it would be greatly apreciated @ObjectHolder(registryName = "Item", value = "cgm:rifle") public static final Item RIFLE = null;
  15. Nevermind I fixed it, it was because I was grabbing the Inventory from the client side and using it on the server side which was still deleting the item on client side even though it was running on server side.
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