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  1. i am aware this has been discussed an infinite times but I have the twist Here are the main Problems and my counter ideas: Security: The mod would only be gapped from curseforge, through a curseforge, maybe link? like a mod pack, the reason id for the user to not obtain a "usable" version of the file outside the server maybe by making it depend on certain components that are only on the server Size: Put a limit, 200mb seems mostly fair as a default, could be changed in config, if REALY needed, this could be implemented in the idea for Solving "Timeout" Timeout & Downloading: a possible 1 fix for Timeout, downloading and maybe size, Pre-Server room, maybe the option to make another server for it masking the main server that would act like a mini server with maybe just a hub or empty world that the player waits there frozen or venturing until all of the processes are done where they are redirected to the desired server Notes: 1. most encrypting/decrypting or maybe leaving mid process such stuff would mostly all be handled by the forge client (or maybe an external one?) 2. the pre room may have a special/specific software and not the one we are familiar with 3. i have seen such things as a pre room but was mostly used to intercept packages on client side by bungeecord 4. if the way forge works with mods to maybe it cannot work without them being on when starting, client may to be made to restart game + join specific server Thanks!
  2. Hello! I suck at render modification ತ⁠_⁠ತ I need help with 2 things ❤️ 1. I have multiple armors in my mod, they are not your normal everyday armor, they are actually models not a normal armor, like earrings and bow tie and necklace etc... ⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠) I need to know how can i render multiple of them in the same time on a player, which takes us to question 2 (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) 2. How can i render an armor/model on a player body without them ACTUALLY wearing it as an item :⁠-⁠O imagine there is like a person getting corrupted mod so like veins show up overtime (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠) or like a super hero mod where they have to like wear the suit (or something) OwO If you helped or is willing to, thanks in advance! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
  3. WOW that was absolutely helpful! and such a nice suggestion of you for the pull player mechanic, i still didn't come to that part but the part i am having a problem with is how to make player swing on rope if they are attached mid air or grappled but didn't pull
  4. That's exactly what i am searching for I don't really want/need to restrict the player movement What I am trying to do is make the player swing when using something like a grappling hook, i am not really the best developer so I found that the leash is an easy nearly done kind of swing mechanic in game, firstly, ofc it sucks to keep teleporting the player to an already leashed entity because another problem that procedures run on tick and not continually, so i had to give that up, my last choice was making the player leachable which is what I am trying to do now!
  5. I remember there used to be such an entity group tag but I can't seem to find any Proof!? Then I have to find another way, are there any other ways to dodge mixins? If not then i really need help with mixins!
  6. Hi!, back, this is what i found ((LivingEntity) entity).getAttribute(net.minecraft.entity.ai.attributes.Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setBaseValue(1); hope it helps! I didn't get to test it yet but seems like "Attributes.'MOVEMENT_SPEED'" is what should be modified in the sake of varieties Example: ((LivingEntity) entity).getAttribute(net.minecraft.entity.ai.attributes.Attributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE).setBaseValue(1); Here i replace movement speed for attack damage Hope you found what your looking for! I'll be waiting your reply :)
  7. Hi YES! i think attributes is that answer! but how exactly is your method into viewing vanilla code!?
  8. HI, out-of-topic, what is your method into viewing vanilla code? help much appreciated !
  9. I use a little thing here like Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.displayItemActivation((ItemArgument.getItem(arguments, "param").getItem().getDefaultInstance And it doesn't seem to function as intended it is supposed to show the item specified in the command argument "param" that calls this procedure as in the totem animation / "item activation" animation Help is much appreciated for your fellow developer here !
  10. I am not throwing you off, i am just seeking code examples, tysm!
  11. I do use IntellJ and tysm, i still didn't get my answer and i don't think it's with you, thx for ur help anyways
  12. I really wish i could, only probelm is i have no idea on how to look through the game code, only method i found was in fabric language
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