This is possibly a very very basic question, but I have really really tried to find the solution myself, but could find nothing that works for more recent versions of stuff.
Basically I've set up a server locally for me and a friend, with "Forge" and Universal Electricity, ICBM, Atomic Science and a few similar mods. No launchers or anything - we're both using MC client 1.5.1 with the newest Forge installed into it.
What we want to do is give ourselves a set period of time - say one or two weeks - to build a large "base"/bunker - and then to go to war with eachother.
What I'm after is some way of allowing us to "book" or claim a large area of land (several chunks/an island/something) each, so that if we go into the other player's area, we *CAN* use explosives/missiles etc, and *CAN* interact with any switches and doors... but *CAN'T* place blocks or destroy blocks with pickaxes/paxels/etc.
Is there any mod I can put on, with Forge, that will support this? I briefly saw mention of something called "Factions" for CraftBukkit that sounds like it MIGHT do something similar - but from what I could find online, you can no longer use new versions of CraftBukkit with new versions of Forge (or if you can, not without masses of work/problems, unless I missed something?)... which rules out us using universal electricity/ICBM/Atomic Science etc. which is the main desire. "Forge Essentials" hints at stuff with it's "zones" but to be honest I really, really did not understand much of that or how I might utilize it in the ways I'm after (or even close to that).
I'd also quite like us to be able to start off with XXXX items/materials each in our own starter areas through a mod - eg a couple of chests full of basic building materials - but I can handle this by starting a new world, manually filling a couple of chests in creative mode, and then removing creative mode before we start playing. (again, "ForgeEssentials" kits might enable this if the kits have huge re-use timers, but I'd rather not install it JUST for the kits).
(and yes, this was all massively inspired by the recent "Voltz" yogscasts we saw out of the blue this week, neither of us having minecrafted for a couple of years)
Hope somebody can help us out so we can relive our own private, violent but "fair" minecraft war!