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Everything posted by Gazma

  1. Hello, error code 1 is linked several time with a mod not updated or not working with the version selected in the launcher.
  2. Up up again
  3. No server mod, only client mod. sand became lava, water is full of seaweed, houses is a mix of woods with carrots on their top, inventory is change with diamond sword, puzzle bloc and other items doesn't match with actual inventory. I suppose it's link with this example of line in command : [17:52:36] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry minecraft:sound_event: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: minecraft:block.note_block.imitate.creeper Expected: 851 Got: 1388 that's provide the same as I install the server, I paste the old world and I relaunch the install server on it. I've just try, copy full server in 1.19.2 and launch server installer to update it in 1.19.3. -> same result of run.bat launch and same result when log in server.
  4. Hello, I've search but I don't find FAQ, Documentation or topics really speaking about this point. So, I ask here to get help and know how to do. Test already done : - install new version forge server, copy "world" folder from existing and paste it in place of new one. - copy all existing server, paste it in a new folder and launch "forge installer" for server on this new folder to update data. In both case when I log in the server, there is texture and item issue. Any possibility to move too. Someone could explain me step by stephow to update forge server from 1.19.2 to 1.19.3. Thank you.
  5. in your player mod folder (C:\Users\"insert your pc user name"\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods Each mod added in it has to be setup for specific version (and above), so if your server version is upper, forge crash client crash at launching. If you added mod directly in server mod folder, mods need to be dedicated for server mod and not for player.
  6. That's possible as I can remember. First check your mods and which version they allow to be used.
  7. Hello, I had this kind of issue when I used one mod no more compatible with minecraft version (java or forge). In example, the default version of JourneyMap is for 1.18, so under 1.19 it's necessary to choose the beta version. PS: when you create a topic, think to give an explicite title in place of a poor "Need help". You will get more reply and maybe quickier.
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