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Hipposgrumm last won the day on March 15 2023

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    This just got personal.
    No, I mean it.
    This is personal text so it's personal now.

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  1. EntityRenders requires an EntityRenderProvider. This is what I have: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MODID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT) public static class ClientModEvents { @SubscribeEvent public static void clientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event) { EntityRenderers.register(HOSE.get(), new HoseEntityRenderFactory()); } private static class HoseEntityRenderFactory implements EntityRendererProvider<HoseEntity> { @Override public EntityRenderer<HoseEntity> create(Context context) { return new HoseEntityRenderer<>(context); } } } Replace HoseEntity with your own entity. If you're doing multiple try doing generics (though untested).
  2. You can use PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock to detect if the player has clicked on the block with a certain item, and modify the block accordingly.
  3. Please send the entire crash report and use a service like Gist or Pastebin.
  4. 1. Optifine is not supported here due to the fact that it overrides many of Forge’s API systems that are critical to many mods. 2. 1.10 is no longer supported here. We only support 1.18.x, 1.19.x, and 1.20.x.
  5. A. Why are you getting Usernames and Server Addresses B. 1.16.5 is no longer supported here. We only support 1.18.x and 1.19.x (one of which may be soon discontinued in favor of 1.20).
  6. If you are creating a custom weapon, I'm pretty sure you can set that in the item's constructor somewhere. If you are creating a custom vanilla weapon that can be made with commands, that can obviously be done in vanilla.
  7. I'm starting to get tired of this post being pushed to the top and being at the top of the leaderboard every single day just because of some reward thing on Discord. (But I feel like the top leaderboard position should be given to people who help with Forge and not for liking an unrelated server in the Off-Topic category.) But Curle's fine with it so I guess I have no right to complain.
  8. 1.7.10 is discontinued but it should not be removed from the servers. I don't know if it is your internet or the files are somehow inaccessible, but that is out of my control.
  9. Are you sure you removed the mod? If so, try removing BYG, though BYG just seems to be taking the blame.
  10. It seems to be a problem with MoreVillagers. If this is a custom-made modpack, remove the mod. If it's a public pack, try contacting the pack author or switch to another version.
  11. Please edit your message with the log posted to a service like Gist or Pastebin.
  12. Get the crash report from when you were playing before it suddenly crashed. Or send the launcher.log.
  13. Send the crash report please. It's usually in .minecraft/crash-reports and it is the latest one created.
  14. 1.8.x is no longer supported here. We only support 1.18.x and 1.19.x.
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