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Everything posted by ChrisKustom

  1. @warjortThank you very much, I shall take a look! Greatly appreciated!
  2. Hi all, I've been searching this forum for some time trying to find a direction in which to go with this but it seems all the answers I find are for <1.16 which is not bad, but a lot of the code has changed since then and locating any sort of resource that could tell me; "Method x in 1.16 was replaced by Method Y in 1.17" etc, has proven to be quite challenging. If you know of such resource, please link it so I can browse at my leisure. Onto the matter at hand, I am trying to render a temporary block on the client side when the player is holding a specific item in hand, and is looking at a block. When player uses item, block is placed in the world (obviously server side). So far, I have managed to subscribe to the RenderHighlightEvent#Block event, and I can get all positions, directions etc that I need, and using my original idea (world.setBlock(ghostBlock)) worked well when running single player, it doesn't work when running on a server, likely because the Render event is client side, the level is therefor ClientLevel and you cannot set blocks on the client side. So, instead of setting the block in the world, I'd like to render them locally, and only set them when the player uses the item. I found a handful of people with similar issues, but unfortunately as mentioned above, most of them were old and outdated, and the methods used are no longer available. Whilst it would be easier to ask "Can someone show me how", I'd very much prefer to be pointed to the appropriate documentation/method so I can have a read to better understand how I might go about achieving this. (If of course, what I am asking is possible?) I have a background in dev, and I've dabbled in Java a bit, so my lack of understanding comes more from Minecraft underlying mechanics rather than the code. Anyway, any help would be fantastic Please let me know if there is anything else you need! Cheers, Chris.
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