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Robin Roloff

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Everything posted by Robin Roloff

  1. Hey, this project has been a while so I sadly don't know all the details anymore. However, I do know that the end solution was just not creating a custom biome because it made too much problems and it wasn't thaaat necessary I'm sorry Glitchfriend, the creators of terrablender, have a discord, you can join that discord and ask for help there
  2. Hello, I'm creating my two custom biomes, but I'm having some problems. https://github.com/robinroloff/alpinemod this is my repo In the ModOverworldRegion, I do this: @Override public void addBiomes(Registry<Biome> registry, Consumer<Pair<Climate.ParameterPoint, ResourceKey<Biome>>> mapper) { biome(mapper, AlpineBiomes.ALPS, Temperature.FROZEN.parameter(), Humidity.HUMID.parameter(), Continentalness.FAR_INLAND.parameter(), Erosion.EROSION_0.parameter(), Weirdness.PEAK_VARIANT.parameter()); biome(mapper, AlpineBiomes.ALPS_VALLEY, Temperature.NEUTRAL.parameter(), Humidity.NEUTRAL.parameter(), Continentalness.FAR_INLAND.parameter(), Climate.Parameter.span(0.5F, 1F), Climate.Parameter.span(-0.35F, 0.35F)); } private void biome(Consumer<Pair<Climate.ParameterPoint, ResourceKey<Biome>>> mapper, ResourceKey<Biome> biome, Climate.Parameter temperature, Climate.Parameter humidity, Climate.Parameter continentalness, Climate.Parameter erosion, Climate.Parameter weirdness) { mapper.accept(Pair.of(Climate.parameters(temperature, humidity, continentalness, erosion, Depth.FLOOR.parameter(), weirdness, 0F), biome)); mapper.accept(Pair.of(Climate.parameters(temperature, humidity, continentalness, erosion, Depth.SURFACE.parameter(), weirdness, 0F), biome)); } I expect the following behaviour: Alps biome: -Only spawns in huge mountains (e.g. like jagged_peaks) and only next to other cold and only surrounded by land. Alps valley biome: -Spawns in mostly flat (like plains biome) regions, also only surrounded by land. However: Both biomes kind of spawn everywhere. The alps biome also spawns in a lot of flat regions, which doesn't make sense to me at all. They just spawn randomly in the middle of the sea and there will just be a random house (my structure) in the middle of the ocean, even though I put "FAR_INLAND" as continentalness, which should make it impossible to spawn in the sea, in my opinion. They sometimes spawn next to each other, which should also be impssible, because neither weirdness, nor erosion have any overlap for the two biomes I've also had another bug with TerraBlender in the past, do you guys think it's my bad for using 1.20 and not 1.20.4, maybe the TerraBlender version is just buggy and outdated? Because I really see no logic
  3. Just tested it... and it works! Thank you so much, you really saved me
  4. hey, do you have an update?
  5. No, it has a lot of grass
  6. Thank you very much! I'm really desperate right now
  7. Sorry, have to bump this again. Does anybody know what's wrong? If it's actually a bug with forge or terrablender, I'm gonna have to write a bug report, but I want to confirm it first.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to integrate jarjar into my project but it doesn't work and I don't know why. I'm doing it like that implementation(group: 'com.github.glitchfiend', name: 'TerraBlender-forge', version: "1.20-") { jarJar.pin(it, "1.20-") } And I get this error Execution failed for task ':compileJava'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'. > Could not resolve com.github.glitchfiend:TerraBlender-forge:{strictly 1.20-}. Required by: project : > Cannot find a version of 'com.github.glitchfiend:TerraBlender-forge' that satisfies the version constraints: Dependency path 'de.robin.alpine:mod:1.0.0' --> 'com.github.glitchfiend:TerraBlender-forge:{strictly 1.20-}' Dependency path 'de.robin.alpine:mod:1.0.0' --> 'com.github.glitchfiend:TerraBlender-forge:1.20-' * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. What am I doing wrong?
  9. I have tried that as well, it didn't work either. The biome modifier definitely works, as I said other mobs working using the same method and e.g. adding worldgen features also work. I'm starting to believe this is a bug with forge/terrablender
  10. Hello, I created a mod with a custom biome and custom entities. https://github.com/robinroloff/alpinemod/ I want these entities (in this case alpinechicken) to spawn in my custom biome (alpinemod:alps_valley) However, when I add it using my biome modifier, it doesn't work. Currently in the forge/biome_modifiers/alpinechicken.json, the biome is set to minecraft:plains and that works, but if I change it to my custom biome, it doesn't work. I can, however, add mobs that are not from my mod. Meaning that normal cows, chicken etc. spawn. It really doesn't make sense to me, does anyone else know?
  11. you're right. Sorry, included github repo in main post
  12. Hey I'm adding a custom structure to my mod and the problem is, that the structure never really fits in with the terrain. I haven't found any solution to this problem but I wanted to ask if there is one I'm missing? Below are some examples, thanks in advance https://github.com/robinroloff/alpinemod/
  13. Hello, I'm trying to make a block that is basically like a reskin of the vine block. I got almost everything working, except that the texture is not transparent when rendered. https://prnt.sc/2CoFbadXH-6j Does someone know what's wrong with it? https://github.com/robinroloff/alpinemod/ The block is called "resin". Thanks in advance
  14. It seems like I've forgotten to include my repo link... sorry. Yes I am using TerraBlender. I've included the link in the main post now. Anyway: Thanks for your help, I will see if I get something to work
  15. Hey I'm trying to make a custom biome and so far it's going pretty great. I need some help with the surface rules. https://prnt.sc/XOYbI89RvBzg This is what the mountains look like. I want to have a smoother transition betewen grass and stone and between stone and snow, optimally I would like to have snow only at the top 10 blocks or something like that. I'm assuming I have to use some noise_threshold for the smoother transitions, but I don't know how to quite do that. And for top 10 blocks of the biome, I also can't find something. I found the y block check with the anchor "below_top", but apparently that is relative to the building limit. So... that's my problem. I'm hoping someone can help me, thanks in advance https://github.com/robinroloff/alpinemod/
  16. Hey, I created a custom block and want it to spawn in the overworld (about the rarity of andesite) and I can't find anything online on how to do it. Does anyone have any resources?
  17. New Problem: I can't seem my custom mobs to spawn. Does someone know why?
  18. Oh yeah, of course. I fixed it. However, the biome still doesn't generate. When I create a world and try to locate the biome, it doesn't find it. I just looked into the datapack section in the world creation and it says that the terrablender forge data pack seems to be compatible for my version, could that be it? I'm using forge version 46.0.14 and terrablender, I thought that would be the compatible version. Edit: I just fixed it. I just removed some unnecessary code, which I didn't think would have any impact. Commit number is b1eba2d2
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