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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Are the other entities actually walking over the block or are they just standing still? That method i think is only called when they are moving.
  2. The issue you are having is you are having the wrong offsett in Blender. Make the 0,0,0 coordinate in Blender in the middle of the block.
  3. What are those reason that hold you back from updating? Please don't say it's because of modpacks because the majority is already updated so you can just put those mods back in.
  4. Or you could use the build-in AdvancedModelLoader given to us by the Forge team...
  5. I think you are trying to get the villageCollectionObj before the WorldEvent has been posted, thus it hasn't been initialised and is null, so you get a NPE.
  6. I don't know about the error, but what's this line supposed to do? blocklingrighteye.addChild(blocklingrighteye);
  7. The more we get the more we can help. So give us both.
  8. Full crash report please...
  9. You need to override the getPickBlock method in your block class. You need to return a ItemStack with your item.
  10. BTW if someone has any tips, ideas or comments about my system of doing it, you can just say so, so i can make system better.
  11. Take a look at my code, it handles connections and energy transfer: https://github.com/Larsg310/PowerCraft P.S. You don't have to use the .equals() method for comparing blocks and items, as there's always 1 instance of them, so you can use the == comparison.
  12. @Casual Duthcman A second is made of 20 ticks, not 10, so the effect will last 4.5 seconds.
  13. Yes. In the drawTexturedModalRect method is are two values: f and f1. Those floats represent the image width and height. To get these values you devide 1 by 256, the image size. So to make a larger image possible, copy that method, and change f and f1 to be 1/imageWidth and 1/imageHeight.
  14. You need to call super.mouseClicked() .
  15. **This is not tested, i am just speculating. If this doesn't work, don't rage on me of giving wrong info** You can check the side of the context you get, and if it's Side.CLIENT, you can use Minecraft.*, and if it's Side.SERVER, You can use the MessageContext you get passed in, use the getServerHandler() method which has a EntityPlayer object called entityPlayer that youc an use.
  16. You need to have the isOpaqueCube() method in your block class to return false.
  17. 1.6.4: Use the Configuration class to get a ID. 1.7.2: Minecraft (Forge) assigns a ID to your block/item. You don't have to worry about IDs.
  18. Why is everyone requesting code when i gave them a good tutorial for themto use? The only thing you have to do is make the block class, and that's explained in the tutorial as well (the opening-gui part). More then that you don't need.
  19. You got a NPE at line 69 in MermaidMod.java.
  20. You mean like a Railcraft tank? This should help you out.
  21. You need to call it like so: ClassWhereYouDeclareYourBlockIn.YOUR_BLOCK.getLocalizedName();
  22. Did you update the code on GitHub? Because in that container you still do the things diesieben said in his post.
  23. The redstone block just has a small hitbox, and the part of the texture you see is the transparant part of the texture.
  24. You probably have z-fighting. That's when two textures are fighting to get rendered. You see stripes of both textures and they change if you move. You can fix that by changing the z-level.
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