I have extended the crafting menu
public class VirtualCraftingMenu extends CraftingMenu {
private final ContainerLevelAccess access;
public VirtualCraftingMenu(int p_39356_, Inventory p_39357_, ContainerLevelAccess p_39358_) {
super(p_39356_, p_39357_, p_39358_);
this.access = p_39358_;
public VirtualCraftingMenu(int p_39353_, Inventory p_39354_) {
this(p_39353_, p_39354_, ContainerLevelAccess.NULL);
// Override to return your menu type that identifies the screen to use
public MenuType<?> getType() {
return MenuType.CRAFTING;
// Override to identify the block instance (used to force the user out of the screen if the block is destroyed)
public boolean stillValid(Player p_39368_) {
//return stillValid(this.access, p_39368_, MY_CRAFTING_BLOCK.get());
return true;
How would i now open it with player.openMenu() it is asking for a MenuProvider.