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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I basically copy pasted the itembow class itself, only difference was the 2-3 hours trying to get the custom pull back textures to work. Any other advice on how to have the custom bow render? Anyone?
  2. In third person mode, with normal minecraft using a bow. The player will knock back the bow loaded with an arrow. Other players are able to see this animation as well. It looks really cool in my opinion also. What I want, is for my custom how to have the same render in 3d knocking back the arrow And having it point where ever I look. Instead of the bow texture being sideways like any other normal item. Did that clear things up?
  3. Hello everyone, [solved Problem, see red info for fixes and blue for deletion] [MAKE SURE YOUR CLIENTPROXY public void matches your COMMONPROXY public void, that helped me a lot] Simple problem I got here, my custom bow (pleomBow) will not work register as a normal bow, seen sideways at the players side when shooting in third person mode. If you do not know what I mean, then go in normal minecraft and shoot a bow in third person. Chances are the arrow is pointing right at you. I want that same effect for my custom bow. I included a pastebin link for each class, I think its a great idea that I added both methods of viewing the code. Things I've done: -Classes pleomBow Class [PasteBin Link = http://pastebin.com/zpUQ3Pux] RendererItemBow [PasteBin = http://pastebin.com/fMxVeepd] [original code from here https://gist.github.com/SanAndreasP/5608824] ClientProxy [Pastebin = http://pastebin.com/NFmKNyVF] (I debugged my code to discover that this ClientProxy was the source of my problems with the bow, not rendering, See code for details and changes) and Lastly A bit of my main class (keyCore.class) [ Pastebin = http://pastebin.com/kZGCQzVu] Any thoughts or need for code, I will check back tomorrow on this post at 3:45pm EST. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hello everyone, I've spent the last 3 hours looking online for a Custom Bonemeal tutorial or anything similar. I found many results on how to use the Bonemeal Event for custom saplings but next to nothing on how to create your own item that works like bonemeal. I looked into the ItemDye class to minic the bonemeal itself and made this class, leaving out parts that were not needed such as subitems and icontexture fromMetaData. Important Info: Item's name is ghastMarrow, my main class/package is NetherCraft, ghastMarrow Next I tried using this class I thought, oh maybe the BonemealEvent was holding me back as it is meant only for bonemeal, here is my own version. NBonemealEvent Following making that I remembered to create another class so my custom tree (GloWood Tree) would grow along with regular saplings netherCraft_NEventBonemeal Then I registered the event in my main class NetherCraftCore Finally I went back to my ghastMarrow Class and changed the code there ghastMarrow After All my hard work, I went in-game to test out my new bonemeal on my Custom Tree(gloWood) and on the regular tree (I added the part in the netherCraft_NEventBonemeal) NONE OF THIS WORKED. Any suggestions, ideas, problem solving, or anything. I have tried most things. Thanks for reading this, it took me a while to type out.
  5. Hey I Just myself recently made a Custom Furnace, for the Textures did you copy the code straight from the BlockFurnace.class. Example of my code and what was from the BlockFurnace Class. (May help with texture glitch)
  6. Hello yet again, I wanted to create a crafting table with the same properties as the normal crafting table such as the GUI and all so I copied the workbench class into my own and renamed it. I changed the textures and expected everything to work the same. Someone please explain to me why it does not work the same. I cannot right click on the new table to bring up the Old Crafting Grid GUI Normal Crafting Table Code (BlockWorkBench.class) My New Crafting Table (glowWoodCraftingTable.class)
  7. Hello again Forums, new problem this time, Since Minecraft implemented Colored names using formatting codes §0 and §6 for colors like black and gold. I tried to implement this into the code I am currently working with, but to my avail the game only recognizes 2/4 of the items and makes only 2/4 gold. Language Registry section of code, all other parts such as making class for each tool has been done properly, along with the EnumTool and item registration Pictures of problem IF you need to see any other parts of the code or can help please respond, Thank you
  8. Thank you so much. I just fixed that for both of my ore and Block Classes. It worked great. I knew it must of been a simple mistake I made. I am glad for the quick reply. Thanks +1 kudos to you my friend.
  9. Hello everyone, In the code below you will see all of my work I have done to my mod I am experimenting with. All of the other aspects are fine expect for one problem. The blockPleom and orePleom both have either Pleom Ore or Block Pleom name while I look in game. I checked the LanguageRegistry and everything but it all seems fine. Any debugging from the forums would be very helpful. Keynah.Class (Main Modding Class I have been using) pleomBlock.Class orePleom Class If you want any pictures or anything I will try my best to reply with some, Sorry for the sloppy code as I stated before, I am new to this so this is the best I got. Thank you
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